Do You Maybe Want To Travel With Me?

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"It's very nice to meet you, Doctor." Alice smiles. They sit in awkward silence for a few moments until the Doctor claps his hands together for the second time in a span of few minutes. 

"I have a question for you. A very important question, in which you can not lie to me about." The Doctor says, suddenly serious.

"Okay." Alice replies, silently asking herself what she had gotten herself into. She sits on a bench located next to the railing she was just holding on for dear life minutes ago.

"How come the Daleks didn't detect you?" He asks, questioning if she was an alien or something he didn't know about. The Doctor didn't like not knowing. She shrugs, not completely understanding it herself.

"How did they not detect you?" Alice shoots back. The Doctor leans on the console, sighing. He could already tell she would be a tough one in the future.

"I set up a barrier using the T.A.R.D.I.S so the daleks wouldn't be able to detect me. Now answer my question." The Doctor asks nicely. He never liked being mean.

"I honestly don't know, Doctor. Can't you just believe me?" She asks. The Doctor shrugs and jumps up and smiles.

"Time to face those Daleks." The Doctor holds his hand out for Alice to take. She smiles and locks her hand with his. He yanks her up, as if he was trying to be rough  as possible and they both walk through the door and Alice finds herself in a spaceship. It looked very familiar but she shrugs it off. She assumed it was the Dalek spaceship. Then, Alice realised that there were thousands of Daleks surrounding them and she grabbed the Doctor's arm, terrified.

"Hello." The Doctor say, confidently.  The Daleks begin going crazy, screaming things about intruders. The Doctor puts his hand in the air like a little child would do in school. "If I may speak for a moment." With just those words all of the Daleks go silent. "You Daleks are invading the Earth without the humans even noticing. Why?" The Doctor asks.

"We are taking Earth as our own. Earth will be the new Skaro." A Dalek answers, who appears to be the leader.

"Over my dead body!" The Doctor shouts.

"That can be arranged. Exterminate!" The main Dalek shouts, pointing his laser at the Doctor and Alice. As soon as the ray shot out the Doctor pulled Alice down, the ray hitting the T.A.R.D.I.S. Alice screams as another one comes her way, her rolling out of the way before it could hit her.

"Alice! Run to the other side!" The Doctor shouts as he runs into the T.A.R.D.I.S, shutting the door behind him. Alice  jumped onto her feet and ran as fast as she could to the other side, constantly having to duck or jump to the side since rays were coming at her the whole time.

As soon as Alice gets to the other side the Doctor is emerging from the T.A.R.D.I.S. with a metal ball in his hand.

"Alice! Catch!" He throws the ball at her and she barely catches it. "Stick it to the wall and push the red button!" He tells her and she does so. It begins counting down and Alice decides that they've been there long enough.

She shuts the doors behind her and the Doctor begins jumping around the console, pushing buttons, twisting knobs, and pulling levers. The T.A.R.D.I.S lurches and the familiar sound of it landing fills the spaceship.

"Um. Doctor?" Alice asks, getting his attention. He almost forgot that she was there, being in the moment. "What did we just do?" Alice adds, dreading the answer she knew would come.

"We - um - blew the ship up. They were going to take over Earth. You understand that we had to do it. Don't you?" The Doctor asks Alice, trying to make her understand it was the only way to save Earth. Alice swallowed hard and nodded.

The Doctor and Alice stepped out of the T.A.R.D.I.S. It was parked very close to her house. They stand in awkward silence.

"Thank you. For saving Earth, I mean." Alice smiles. The Doctor nods, surprised to get one of his first thank you's in over 100 years. He rarely got one thanks for saving any planet.

"I guess I should get back home." Alice says and begins her journey back home. She had barely turned the corner before their was a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see the Doctor with his hand in the air with a key attached to a string swinging from his hand.

"Do you maybe want to travel with me?" The Doctor asks, taking his hand from Alice's shoulder. Alice can't help but smile. She feels as if she doesn't even has to debate his proposition.

"What're we waiting for?" Alice asks and begins running towards the T.A.R.D.I.S with the Doctor hot on her heels, laughing.


I will try to update daily. If not, weekly. I'm sorry this was so short. It was just a quick adventure. There will be longer chapters in the future :)

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