The Doctor

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Alice's house was being louder than usual and she needed to escape it. Her brothers were playing some video game on high with her Dad watching the game and her sister blasting her radio. She felt like she was about to burst so she decided it was time to leave the house for a bit.

She quickly slipped on light blue skinny jeans and a plain red t-shirt and tied her sneakers on. She brushed her out her long brown hair and put it into a messy bun before heading out the door. It was autumn and the leaves have already turned their red, yellow, and oranges and were beginning to fall, causing Alice to smile. She made her way to the park that was a couple of blocks away.

For some odd reason the park was completely empty. She walked through the park and she felt like it was more quiet than what she was searching for. She kept going, lost in her thoughts and she found herself in an alley. She suddenly stopped when she heard something talking.

"Report on humans." It sounded like a distorted robot voice. She looked around the corner and there were two of the things. They looked like human-sized salt and pepper shakers with one arm that looked like a plunger and one that looks like a whisk. She don't know where or how but she felt like she has seen them before. Alice felt as the name was in the back of her brain, trying to push itself to the front. Suddenly, the name came to her. Daleks.

"They believe they are in a safe environment." The second Dalek told the first one. She let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding and suddenly the Dalek's head turned towards Alice's direction. "Scanning." The Dalek stated. She squeezed her eyes shut, knowing they would find her. "Scans find no human life-forms." The Dalek explained, causing Alice's brows to wrinkle in confusion.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her head snapped to the face the hand belonged to and there stood a strange man. He had brown hair and blue eyes and he had a plain blue shirt on with a brown leather coat with jeans and sneakers on. He put a finger up to his lips as a way to tell her to be as quiet as possible. She nodded and they both turned back to the Daleks.

The man jumped in front of the Daleks and smiles.

"Miss me?" He asks, twirling a weird looking device in his hand.

"State your name." The first Dalek asks. The man's face showed confusion and then joyfulness.

"You forgot about me. I forgot about that!" The man laughs.

"Explain! Explain!" The second Dalek shouts. The man points the device he was holding in his hand at some square thing that was on the dumpster next to the Daleks. The square thing on the dumpster started beeping and the man ran towards Alice and grabbed her hand.

"Run!" He shouted and they sprinted for their lives. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion, knocking Alice and the man off their feet. Before Alice could say a word the man pulled her up and dragged her towards a blue police box.

"What're you doing? We're not going to fit in that!" Alice shouted at the man which just caused the man to laugh and pulled her in, anyways. Alice looked around the box. It was bigger on the inside.

"Okay." Was all the Alice to say. The man jumped around the middle console.

"It's called a T.A.R.D.I.S. It stands for Time and Relative Dimension In Space." The man explains. The machine lurched, causing Alice to have to grab onto the railing. He clapped his hands together after the machine landed.

"My name is Alice White, by the way." Alice tells the man. He smiled and walked towards Alice and stuck it out for her to shake. Alice took his hand and shook it.

"I'm the Doctor."


Sorry it's so short but I wanted to get at least one chapter out today. I couldn't decide how to put this chapter into words. I worked out the timeline for what is going to happen so you should look forward to it ;)

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