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Your POV

I sigh as I sit on Lucy's bed. She summoned me because she was lonely, causing Loke to summon himself. I don't know why he's infatuated with me. I'm not special, just another silver key. Just a shield. Loke puts an arm around my shoulders and gives me a flirtatious smile.

"I know it's not real love, so please Mr Loke... Don't play with my emotions..." I whisper this so quietly, I don't know how he heard me. He retracts his arm and Lucy stares at us, her brown eyes seeping into my soul. I try and avoid eye contact, but she continues to stare at me.

"(Y/n), Aries and Lyra told me what you've been through..." Of course they did...

"But that's not true, what you keep telling yourself. You're not useless, and you're definitely not a shield! And if I can help it, you'll never be treated in such a manner again! I love my spirits, which means that I love you!"

"You... Love me?" Loke puts another arm around my shoulders and Lucy sits next to me, doing the same.

"And if I can help it, (Y/n)... You'll never feel worthless again..." Loke whispers it so quietly, I could barely hear him. Tears fill my eyes and I shake my head, my (h/c) dancing as I do so. It's a lie. It's all a lie! They don't care about me, they care about the idea of me. No, it's worse. They pity me.

"Please... You only pity me. Because no matter what... I'll always be (Y/n) the Shield! I'm not a hunter! I can't fight well! I'll just end up as a shield!"


"No... I'm not Orion. I never was. My key says one thing, but I'm telling you something else. I. Am. A. Shield." Loke shakes his head and embraces me in a tight hug. Tears fill my eyes and I feel his warmth. I sob into his chest and I feel a hand caress my hair. My heart beats faster and I feel my face go hot. Is this love?

"No... Because you went and killed the feelings I had for all of those other women out there, and kept them for yourself. I love you, Orion."

"I-I... I love you, too... But, I'm not Orion. I'm (Y/n)..."

"Alright, then. I'll keep calling you (Y/n), only because it makes you feel better..." I smile and look at Lucy, who's smiling with tears in her eyes. I release Loke from the hug and leap towards her, embracing her in a gigantic hug. She laughs and hugs back.

"You're like the sister I've never had and always wanted!"

"Does that mean... You... Love me?" I ask and she laughs again, hugging me tightly. Loke joins in on the hug and I laugh. These two... I'll protect them as long as possible, anyway I can! I swear on the Celestial Spirit King!

"Alright, you two. I'm running out of magic energy, so you have to go back. I'll see you again, soon!"

"Ok... Bye..."

"Later!" She sends us back and Lyra jumps at me, tackling me to the ground in a hug. I smile a genuine smile. Lucy's other spirits come up to me and I look at all of them. Ten zodiac, five silver. Well, six, if you include me. Loke helps me up and I smile at all of the other spirits.

"Hi..." Loke grins and hugs me really tight... I can't exactly breathe... Help...

"Uh, Leo... I think she's gonna die if you keep hugging her that tight." He let's go and I sigh, looking at everyone. Plue comes up to me with his little arms out. I smile and pick him up. Gemini fly up to me and turn into me...

"Wow, that's deep!" They say in my voice and turn into their normal form. I blush and look down.

"Come on, don't go frowning. We got a party to start!" Lyra practically yells and I tilt my head, looking at them. Capricorn coughs and motions to a house like thing with food on random tables bordering the walls. A large banner that says "Congratulations on Becoming Lucy's Spirit" is hung above the entrance.

"Thanks, but you really didn't have to..." I mutter and Lyra shakes her head, dragging me inside. I laugh slightly and look around the room. I feel someone touch my shoulder and I flinch. I turn around to see Loke smiling.

"Do you like it!?" I nod and he sighs I'm relief, grabbing my hand and dragging me over to a snack table. Loke picks up a package of skittles and hands it to me.

"Thanks..." I open the package a bit too forcefully and skittles go flying everywhere. Some even get stuck in Aquarius's hair. She whips her head around and glares at me, me hiding behind Loke. She sighs and goes back to talking with Scorpio.

"Don't worry, (Y/n). She loves you, just like Lyra, Plue, and everyone else, except for me." My heart shatters and he lifts my chin up, staring into my
(e/c) eyes. A blush creeps it's way up to my face and he leans in, only centimeters away from my lips.

"Me being an exception, because I love you way more than they ever could." My eyes widen and he closes the space between out lips. My face feels like fire as his lips move slowly against mine. His hand cups my cheek and I finally close my eyes, returning the kiss.

So this is love? It's not as bad as I thought!

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