Gold and Silver

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Leo/Loke's POV

I smile slightly as Cancer tries to do my hair. Capricorn fixes my tie and Taurus keeps saying how I'm going to "Drain (Y/n) dry" afterwards. Horologium appears and his door opens to pretty much everyone in Fairy Tail falling out of him. Lucy and Mirajane rush off to go find (Y/n) while the other girls go to the seats.

Natsu, Gray, and Happy walk up to me wearing suits. Well, Gray has a no shirt, but what can you expect from him?

"Hey, Loke! Big day, huh?" I nod and Happy flies up to me.

"I never thought you'd ever tie down to one girl!"

"Neither did I!" Scorpio says, me glaring at the both of them. Erza walks in with tears in her eyes.

"I can't believe that you're getting married! I remember when you would sit in the guild surrounded by about ten girls at once! Now look at you! And I have to say... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME PLAN YOUR WEDDING!!!!" I sigh. I didn't really have a choice, and (Y/n) was too scared to say no...

"Hey, Loke! Get any, yet?" I glare at Natsu and attempt to punch him in the face, but Erza catches my fist. She glares at me, and I cower away in fear. Damn she's terrifying!! I don't know how any guy would put up with her!

Your POV

I struggle to get into the dress, Lyra basically shoving me inside of it. Aries tries to put makeup on me, but I continue to try and get away from it. Virgo let's Lyra take a break with trying to get me into the dress. Virgo basically pulls the dress from under me and shoves it over my head, zipping up the zipper.

"Thanks, Virgo! I thought I'd never get it on her!" She nods and Aquarius snatched the makeup away from Aries and glares at me.

"At least put some damn lipstick on!" I nod in fear and she basically smears it on my lips. Lucy and Mirajane enter, with Cancer following behind them.

"Alright, Cancer! Can you do (Y/n)'s hair, please?"

"Yeah, baby." I slightly shiver at that and Cancer walks up to me, snipping away slightly at my hair until it's in a (h/s). He leaves, me muttering a quiet thank you. Mirajane smiles at me and walk towards me, holding a weird bunch of flowers. She hands them to me and Lucy places a veil in my hair. Lyra wraps a belt around my waist and buckles it at the back for me.

"Thanks, Lyra... Thank you, guys..." They all nod and the woman named Erza walks in with sparkles in her eyes. She scares me, but she's nice... It's confusing...

"I just want to say thank you for letting me plan your wedding! And good luck! It is an honour to attend yours and Loke's wedding. I hope you two have a happy life, together!" I smile and thank her, walking out of the room. I meet Capricorn at the end of the hall, because he's walking me down the aisle.

"Thank you..." I mutter and he smiles. I take a deep breath and the doors open. One of Loke and Lucy's guild member's daughters is the one that throws the flowers. She is very adorable. Next is Plue, who's holding a little midnight blue pillow with stars covering it. Lucy, Mirajane, and Lyra walk down next, followed by me and Capricorn, Lyra singing a beautiful song the entire time.

We make it to the alter thing where Loke, two of his guildmates, the Celestial Spirit King, Lyra, Lucy, and Mirajane stand. After a lot of boring stuff that Lovestruck Fangirl is too lazy to write and is going to be mad at me is over, we need to say the vows.

"Loke, other wise known as Leo the Lion, you have helped me so much through out these few weeks. I-"

"It's been a few months!!"

"NATSU, YOU NEED TO BE QUIET!!!!" I sigh and continue.

"I have always been really insecure, and I still don't like going by Orion. But, you love me anyways. I've always admired you, and felt as if you'd never notice me. But, you did. And, I'm happy about that. I love you..." He smiles and sniffs, tears almost escaping his eyes.

"(Y/n)... Orion, the Hunter... You are the only girl, only woman, that I have ever truly loved. We've been together only a few short weeks in this world, but a few very long months in Earthland. You think you're not strong, but in a way, your insecurities make me love you even more. No matter what happens, no matter who we become, I'll always love you."

Tears escape my eyes and Plue shakily holds up the pillow. I take the larger silver one and Loke takes the smaller golden one. The golden one has his zodiac symbol and the silver one has three indentions to symbolize the belt in my constellation. After that weird speech, we place the rings on each other's fingers and seal our love with a kiss.

End of Not Just a Silver Key by _Lovestruck_Fangirl_

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