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Leo/Loke's POV

I wake up to (Y/n) not being in my arms. I look around her room and see no trace of her. Where is she!? I walk out of her room and to the kitchen, where there's a note on the fridge.

Sorry you woke up without me. I had to go out for a bit. I'll be back soon. Love you.

I smile slightly. I guess she needed some things. Oh well. I go back to her room and change. I guess it's not really just her house, now, is it? I mean, I practically live here since we started dating. After I get dressed, I walk through her house. I reach a room that has a desk in a corner, a couch in the other, several bookshelves. There's several pictures of (Y/n) and Lyra on the walls.

"Cute..." I mumble as I notice a picture of (Y/n) in what she used to wear. Hm, in all of them she's wearing a very flashy belt... That is part of her constellation... "Orion's Belt"... Guess she likes belts... Makes sense... I walk around the room and see a book on the desk. It's leather bound and has a key that looks a lot like (Y/n)'s next to it.

"Is this her diary...? Should I read this...? It would be wrong to read it... Would it...? I mean, it would be invading her privacy, but what if someone is hurting her and she can't tell anyone because then she'll get hurt even more!? That's a very good reason... I open the book with the key and flip to a random page.

I really do hate being a silver key. I feel like I'm not even important in the spirit world. There was a time when everyone wanted "Orion the Hunter," but those times are gone. They only know me for one thing: My belt. Don't get me wrong, belts are one of my favorite things. But... I'd give up all of my belts if I could be useful. But I'm not... I'm abused, ignored, forgotton... Hell, I'm falling apart... If it weren't for Leo, I'd still be with Karen... But he'll never notice me... He's the leader of the zodiac! I'm just another normal spirit with a looked over silver key. I just wish I could be important... I wish I could be loved...

(Y/n)... She's so insecure... Why? She's the strongest, prettiest, nicest spirit I've ever met... Why is she so scared? Why is she so insecure? I hear a door open and close. She's home! I close and lock her journal, running out of the room. I tackle (Y/n) to the ground and nuzzle my face into her chest.

"Loke! What... I..."

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!" I scream and hug her tighter.

"I was only gone for thirty minutes... But I'm sorry I worried you..." I get up and help her up. She places the bags on the table. Two hold food, and the other six hold... Belts... So... Many... Belts...

"Oh, um..." I laugh and kiss her cheek. She blushes.

"It's ok! I know you like belts!" She nods, but her face goes slightly pale. Crap, she never told me...

"Did I... Tell you... About my weird obsession with belts...?" I sigh and look down. I guess I should tell her.

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