Will You Stay With Me?

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Leo/Loke's POV

I hug (Y/n) close to me as she sleeps, the most adorable look on her face. She groans a bit and moves around, now facing away from me. I smile and breathe in her scent. I slowly find myself drifting off to sleep, until she starts glowing and disappearing. I frown and hug her closer to me, disappearing along with her.

"Hey, (Y/n)!! I was wondering if... LOKE YOU PERV!!!" I'm suddenly kicked away from my love and she slowly starts waking up. I smile as I watch her sit up and look sleepily at me.

"Loke...? Why are you..." She stops to yawn. So adorable!

"Why are you all the way over there...?" Lucy sighs and waves a hand in front of (Y/n)'s face.

"Uh, (Y/n)? I was wondering if you wanted to meet my guildmate? He's crazy, but still nice!" I look at Lucy and walk towards (Y/n), wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me.

"Not without me, she's not!" Lucy sighs and nods, leading us out of her house. We come up to the guild's doors and she sighs again, turning to face us.

"Be careful, ok? The guild can be... Wild..." I grin and pull (Y/n) closer to me.

"I'll protect my Little Hunter!" (Y/n)'s face goes red and she looks away, her (e/c) eyes showing embarrassment. Lucy opens the guild's doors and we walk in, a table nearly hitting us. We walk up to the bar where Natsu's sitting.

"Hey, Natsu!" Lucy greets and he turns around, grinning at us.

"Hey Luce! Loke! Who's this?"

"This is my newest spirit! She's Orion the Hunter, but prefers to be called (Y/n)!" Natsu smiles and holds up a hand towards (Y/n). She reluctantly shakes his hand and steps a little closer to me, if that's even possible. Natsu looks at her chest and I glare at him.

"Wow! Your chest is almost as big as Lucy's!" I glare at him and my hand starts to glow.

"NEBULOUS IMPACT!!!" I punch him and he flies through the ceiling. I look at (Y/n), who's near to tears. I hug her a bit tighter and Lucy looks at her with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry. I guess he's just as pervy as Taurus..." (Y/n) sighs and shakes her head.

"No one could reach that level... Especially if you're comparing them to Taurus..." I laugh and kiss her cheek, her face erupting in bright red.

"Aw! Looks like someone finally tied Loke down!" I laugh at Mira's comment and (Y/n) stares at her feet. Is she... Scared?

"I guess so! So, how's life been since you went back to the spirit world, Loke?" I smile at Mira.

"It's been great! Plus, I've gotten to know (Y/n) better! I've always heard how strong she was, but never really got to see it!" (Y/n)'s face turns an even darker shade of red, if possible, and shakes her head.

"No... I'm not nearly as strong as everyone says I am!" I sigh and hug her close to me. She looks down, but I lift her chin up and stare into her teary (e/c) eyes.

"Don't say that about yourself. You're a lot stronger than you say you are. It hurts me to know that you think so little of yourself, (Y/n)..." The tears stream down her face, but I wipe them with my thumb. She blushed even more and I lean my forehead against hers.

"I'm sorry..." She mutters and I smile at her. I lean in and give her a kiss. Not lustful or needy... This is sweet and gentle. She slowly kisses back and I hear girls muttering in the background. They're the same girls that always followed me around when I was stuck in Earthland.

"Who does she think she is? Kissing Loke like that! It's obvious he's only doing that out of pity!"

"Yeah! There's no way he could ever love an ugly girl like her! She didn't even fix her hair!"

"And what's with that name, too? It's stupid!"

"Yeah!" My blood starts to boil. Maybe I can show them, rather than yelling at them. I pin (Y/n) to the wall, and she squeaks, giving me a chance to slip my tongue in her mouth. I pull away, a string of saliva connecting is together.

"I love you, (Y/n)!!" I shout a bit too loudly, causing the girls to glare at her even more.

"You're the most beautiful woman in the whole world! In Earthland, and in the Celestial Spirit World!" The girls continue to glare at her, but I continue.

"I love every centimeter of you! Your hair! Your eyes! Everything!" She blushes even more and I pick her up bridal style, her hair being swept back by my hand.

"Even if you don't like your real name, I love both of them! The one that was given to you, and the one you were born with!" She blushes even more and I set her down in front of me, hugging her tightly. The girls smirk and walk over to me, pulling my love out of my arms and surrounding me.

"LOKE, WE MISSED YOU!!!" I glare at them and shove passed them, wrapping my arm around (Y/n)'s waist. The girls glare at her even more, but I simply smirk and my grip on (Y/n)'s waist tightens.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself properly! I'm Leo the Lion, the leader of the zodiacs! This is (Y/n)!! Also known as Orion the Hunter! We're celestial spirits contracted to Lucy Heartfelia, and madly in love!" I grin and hug my Little Hunter closer, if that was possible, and kiss her on the cheek.

"But, she's hideous!"

"Hey your eyes checked! She's way prettier than all of you sluts combined!!" I shout at them and they all glare at her with tears in their eyes. They storm out of the guild hall and Lucy stares in shock. Mirajane claps and smiles sweetly at us.

"Aw! How sweet!" Lucy sighs and holds up our keys.

"Sorry, guys. I'm running out of magic energy!" She sends us away and I pick (Y/n) up, placing her on her bed. I kiss her forehead and turn to walk out of her room, only for her to grab my hand.

"Um... Loke? Will you stay with me...?" I smile and nod at my Little Hunter, laying next to her.

"I love you, so much." I whisper and (Y/n) blushes and looks at me with happiness in her (e/c) eyes.

"I love you, too..." She snuggles into my chest and her breaths become even. I kiss her head and she smiles slightly. I hold her protectively in my arms as I slowly drift off to sleep.

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