2 - "Chicken Stuffed With Modzarella, Wrapped In Parmaham, With Homemade Mash"

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Hello and welcome back to BABD I hope you enjoy this chapter! GET READING!

"Darcy!" "Landon!"

Darcy's p.o.v

"Jake! Darcy!" I heard mum call me and Jake. We walked downstairs Jake infront of me. When we get to the door I see Landon.

"Landon!" "Darcy!" We both shout.

"You 2 know eachother!" mum, dad, Jake, a man with black hair and a man with shaved hair all said.

"Yeah we met in english class this morning," I said.

"This is Zayn AKA Zen," mum said pointing to the man with black hair. "And this is Liam AKA LiLi," he finished pointing at the man with shaved hair.

"Hi," me and Jake said.

"This is Darcy," he said pointing at me. "And Jake," he said pointing at Jake. "Me and your father were in a band when you guys were babies, that's why you don't remember them,"

"Oh," I said.

"What was the band called?" Jake asked.

"One Direction," Liam said in a fake american anouncer's voice. Everybody laughed.

"Me and Landon are going to hang out in my room," I said taking his hands and pulling him upstairs.

"Leave the door opened!" Dad yelled.

"Yes dad!" I yelled back. I left the door open, I sat on my bed and Landon sat beside me.

"So we're neighbours?" Landon said in a questioning tone.

"We're neighbours," I responded.

"What happened to your face?" He question.

"I was play soccer and got tackled pretty hard," I said and my nose scrunched.

"Your lying," he said.

"No," I said and my nose srunched again.

"Your nose keeps scrunching up," he said.

"How did you know about the nose thing?" I asked.

"My mum said that's how he knew when Louis was lying so I figured you may have picked up from him," he explained.

"Oh," I said.

"So what happened?" He asked again.

"I got beat up," I said and my nose didn't scrunch up.

"What?" he said just above a whisper.

"I was beat up," I said. "I've been telling my parents that I got hurt in soccer all these years just to make them happy. I get beat up because my mum isn't a woman. I get hurt because their gay and I know that it would kill them to that because of them I was getting beat up. Everytime after I get beat up my bully says 'tell your faggot parents I said hi, bitch'. She spits the words out like venom. She gives me time for my injuries to heal than a week after that she beats me up again so no one will think anything of it. There has been so many times where I have wanted to just die but I stayed stronge for my parents. Please don't tell them any of this, it's going to break their hearts," I rambled. I began to sob.

"Your okay, I won't tell them a thing," he said holding me as I cried into his chest. I wiped my tears with my hand.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem, I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on," he said.


"I'll be back," I said getting up. I walked downstairs. "Mum?" I called.

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