14 - "Will you marry me?"

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I love you so much Xavier.

Welcome back to BABD! This chapter I guess will be the after funeral party but not really a party beacuse of all the crying....?

Also the Styles-Tomlinson twins have their birthday after the time skip. There's a huge surprise but if you read the title you already know, someone proposes!

Sorry I haven't updated, as you may know my phone decided to hate me and not let me update soooooo... Yea. I hope you enjoy this chapter! GET READING!

Darcy's p.o.v

Everyone walked through the front door and into the back yard. There was a picture of the only ultrasound picture I had of Xavier and a bunch of flowers and gifts. The onezie I had bought him laid beside the picture causing tears to slip down my cheek as I staired at it.

"I'm so sorry baby girl," nana Jay said from behind me. I turned around amd hugged her tightly.

"I miss him so much," I whispered.

"I know," she said softly. I let put a shaky breathe.

"What was he like?" I asked referring to her husband.

"He was so loving. When he found out I was pregnant he squeaked like a girl and hugged me. He was so good with Louis when he was a baby," he smiled sadly. "He never even knew about the twins. I never had the chance to tell him," she said.

Flashback activate, Jay's p.o.v!

I finished setting the table. I ran up the stairs and into our room. I grabbed the box with the tiny onezie. It read 'Best daddy ever'. I planned it as a surprise. I was telling him tonight. I ran downstairs and grabbed the ultrasound photo of the new additions. I placed it in a gift bag with the onezie. The phone rang and I quickly picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"This is the hospital, we regret to inform you but your husband has been in a terrible accident. He died on impact," the lady said. My whole world came crashing down.

Flashback deactivate, Darcy's p.o.v!

Tears streamed down her face as she explained what happened. I hugged her tight.

"It's alright you don't need to explain," I said. She held onto me for dear life.

"Thank you, I needed that," she said pulling away.

"Anytime nana," I said. She pulled away and we said our goodbyes.

5 weeks later

I'm offically 28 weeks pregnant. Today's mine and Jake's birthday, June 21st. We're also graduating in 2 days! My parents have everything planned out but haven't told us anything. We can't do what we did last year which kind of sucks. But it's best for Delilah.

Flashback, Darcy's p.o.v!

My parents walked me and my brother downsatirs with blind folds on our eyes.

"Almost there," I heard my mothers voice. We stepped down the last step and I heard the door to the back yard open. Dad pulled off my blind fold and I gasped at the sight before me. There was a freaking bouncy castle with my friends and sum of Jake's. I ran over.

"Thank you!" I called behind me and climbed into the bouncy castle.

"Hey Darcy!" All my friends yelled.

"Hey guys!" I yelled back.

Flashback done

It was amazing seeing all of my friends. We bounced on the castle for basically the whole day until they kicked us off for dinner. We had 2 seperate cakes, one blue (mine) and one green (Jake's). This year I can't wait to see what they did.

"Alright, blind fold me," I said to mum who handed me a blind fold. I places it over my eyes and he guided me downstairs. He sat me on the couch and pulled it off. What I saw made me cry. They had 2 banners on the wall. One read 'Happy Birthday Jake & Darcy!', the other one read 'Happy Baby Shower Darcy!'.

"Happy birthday/baby shower!" Everyone yelled. Tears streamed down my face.

"You guys!" I cried.

"You owe me $5!" Niall yelled. Dakota grumbled and handed him a 5 dollar bill.

"What did you bet on now?" I qestioned wiping my eyes.

"We bet if you would cry of not," Dakota said.

"Hey!" I said.

"I bet against it! I had faith in you!" She defended herself.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

"Hey baby," Jack said hugging me.

"Hey," I said pecking his lips.

"How are you guys?" He asked reffering to me and Delilah.

"We're great, she's been kicking me all day though," I chuckled.

"She knows," he said.

"How would she know it's my birthday?" I question. He shrugged.

"She just does," he said. I laughed and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sure there's already not much room in there, I don't think Delila would like a womb mate," Dakota said. I glared at her. Then I remembered Xavier and my mood changed quickly.

"She already had a womb mate," I sniffled. I buried my face in Jack's chest.

"Shh it's ok baby," he cooed. My shoulders began to shake as I sobbed.

"I miss him so much," I whispered.

"I know baby, me too," he said. I pulled away with a sniffle and wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry for crying so much," I said.

"You don't need to apologize," Jack told me. I nodded and he pecked me on the lips.

"Ok let's par-tay!" I yelled. Everyone cheered loudly.


"Presents!" Dakota yelled. Me and Jake sat in the 'birthday chairs'. Dakota handed me a small box and told me to read the card after I opened it. I opened it and there was a box of condoms. The card read 'Happy Birthday! Use protection!'. My face went beat red.

"Dakota!" I screeched.

"What?!" She yelled innocently. I rolled my eyes.

"This is from me and your father," mum said handning me and Jake a smalle box each. We both opened them and gasped. We looked at eachother and ran outside. There were 2 cars with a red bow on each. One was blue and one was green. I clicked the button on the keys and the blue one lite up.

"Oh my god!" We yelled.

"Wha-how-when-huh?" I stuttered.

"Happy birthday!" Dad yelled. I squeaked amd hugged mum and dad tightly.

"Thank you so much!" I yelled.


After birthday presents it was baby shower presents. I sat in the middle of the room as people passed me presents. I thanked them all a million times saying 'you didn't have to get me anything'. I got many baby bottles, onezie's, diapers,  stuffed toys, and such.

"Here," Jack said handing me a box.

"You didn't have to get me anything," I said.

"Yes I did, open it," he said. I opened the box and inside was a onezie. It read 'Will You Marry My Daddy?'. I looked at Jack and he was on one knee holding out a small black box. I gasped.

"J-Jack?" I stuttered. He grinned at me widely.

"I know we're young but I know.your the one for me. I love you and Delilah so, so much, Darcy. So will you be the peanut butter to my jelly, the answer to my question, the minutes to my hour, the barbie to my Ken. Darcy Styles-Tomlinson, will you marry me?" He said.

~Authors note~

OMFG!!!! HE PROPOSED! EEK! I wonder if she'll say yes.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! See you in the next 1!


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