9 - "What do you mean you weren't at your grandparents?"

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"That's what I'm here to talk about, I wasn't really with my grandparents,"

Welcome back to BABD! I hope you enjoy reading is chapter! Darcy tells Landon everything that happened. Who wants to she how pissed he gets? *raises hand* ME! Anywho, GET READING!

Dacry's p.o.v

"What do you mean you weren't at your grandparents? Why would your parents lie to me?" Landon questioned.

"Don't freak out, ok?" I asked.

"I promise I won't freak out," he said.

"I was kidnapped by a man on my way home from the arcade. I woke up tied to a pole and a man with green hair named Joseph was standing there. He talked and I talked he slapped me a few times and than he called his bubbies and they basically had a big gang bang with me. For 2 weeks after that it was just him who raped me. I found put I was pregnant with his baby. We found out it was a girl and Joseph freaked saying it was suppose to be a boy. He did 'it' again and than Josh got my phone some how and got me out of there. The baby and me are fine. I named her Delilah," I explained. His jaw clenched.

"Where is he now?" He asked with anger filled eyes.

"Don't worry, he's behind bars," I assured him.

"Your ok?" He asked voice filled with concern.

"Yes I'm fine," I said.

"Your pregnant with that monsters baby?" He asked.

"Yes I am," I said shamefully.

"Why did you keep it?" He asked.

"She's not an it and it's not her fault she was created this way. I love Delilah wih all my heart," I explained angerly.

"You were raped and now your pregnant! How can keep that thing?!" He yelled.

"This thing is my daughter! She's mine not his! And I love her! Delilah deserves to live! Even if didn't want her it's too late to abort, it would be plain murder!" I screamed angerly. "Josh let's go please," I whimpered. He nodded and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the room and down the stairs.

"Leaving so soon?" Zayn questioned.

"Umm yea I'll see you and uncle Liam another time. Bye," I said holding back the tears

"Ok bye sweetie," he said. Me and Josh walked out of the house and towards mine. We walked through the door and into the kitchen.

"Your back early, didn't go well?" Mum questioned.

"No," I said and hugged him tightly, but not tight enough to hurt Delilah. I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shh honey your ok," he soothed.

"He called Delilah a t-thing and said she w-was a monster b-baby!" I sobbed.

"I'm he didn't mean it honey. He just doesn't like how she came to be, ok? He'll be ok with it eventually," he comforted me. I nodded in his chest.

"Thank you mommy," I said.

"Of course darling," he said.

Louis's p.o.v (LARRY FLUFF)

"Of course darling," I said as I held daughter close to my chest.

"Me and Josh are gonna go upstairs," Darcy said.

"Ok, I love you," I told her.

"I love you too," she said pulling away. She grabbed Josh's hand and dragged him upstairs.

"Hey beautiful," Harry said walking into the kitchen. He grabs my waist from behind me.

"Hey you," I said and leaned into his chest. "Remember when Darcy said her first word?" I asked.

"Yes, we both cried that day, it was embarassing when the boys saw us crying while holding her and Jake," he said and chuckled.

"I remember like it was just yesterday," I said.

Flashback activate

"Harry!" I called.

"Yea babe?!" He yelled back.

"The boys are coming over later!" I yelled.

"Ok!" He yelled. I rocked Darcy back and fourth as she whimpered in my arms.

"Shh it's ok, mama's got you," I whispered. The microwave beeped and I grabbed her bottle. I tested it and it was fine. I placed the nipple near her mouth and she ate it hungryly. I chuckled. "Better?" I asked.

"Hey babe," Harry said walking into the kitchen holding Jake. "I already feed Jake," he said.

"Ok," I said and he walked over. Darcy finished her bottle. I handed it to Harry and I burped her.

"How's daddy's angel?" He cooed at her.

"Dada! Mama!" She squealed loudly. I gasped.

"Oh my god! Harry did she just," I said.

"She did," he replied.

"Dadadadadadada! Mamamamama!" She contimued to squeal.

"Good job baby girl!" I praised while tears streamed down my cheeks. I look over at Harry and he's crying too. He kisses me on the lips and I can taste the salty tears from the both of us, but I don't care. The door opens.

"What'd we miss?" Zayn chuckles as we cry happily.

"Dada! Mama!" Darcy squeales.

"Oh my god! That's adorable! I can't wait for Landon to talk!" Liam squeals while holding him.

Flashback deactivate

"Best day of my life," Harry said. "Besides when they were born and marrying you," he added.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said and kissed me on the lips. I melted into the kiss. We have a heated make-out session. We pull away both having red lips. I smile at him.

"Your the best you know that," I said.

"No way your the best," he argues.

"I could go all night Harold," I said sassily.

"That's good for later isn't it, Lewis?" He said.

"Harry! Your so dirty," I said.

"You know you love it," he said.

"Of course, I love it when daddy gets dirty with me," I said suductively. Harry picks me up bridal style.

"To the fortress!" He yelled. I giggled as he carried me to our room.

Darcy's p.o.v

I drag Josb upstairs and into my room. I fall on the bed and groan.

"Why does he have to be so annoying!" I yell angerly. Josh just shrugs.

"It could be what your mum said. He might just hate my father," he said. I just nodded. I sat up and faced him. We were inches away, I could feel his hot breath on me. We both began to lean in. I close my eyes and feel warm lips on mine.

~Authors note~

Dosh / Jarcy kissed! Ahh!

How come Landon doesn't like Delilah? I bet she's gonna be so sweet when she grows up. Whatever!

Anywho I hope you have a good morning/day/afternoon/evening!


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