18 - "How can someones eyes be so blue?!"

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He laid down with me and we cuddled together as a family.

Welcome back to BABD! This chapter will most likely focus on Delilah and such. So I hope.you enjoy reading this chapter. GET READING!

Darcy's p.o.v

I woke up and yawned. Delilah hadn't fell off the bed last night, thank god. She was wide a wake and whimpering slightly as she sucked on the fabric around my breasts.

"Are you hungry?" I cooed quietly. I lifted my gown up and she latched on quickly. I chuckled as she sucked hungerly. Jack stirred in his sleep.

"Good morning," he said in his deep morning voice. I smiled at him.

"Good morning," I responded. Delilah pulled away and I cover myself again. "Can you pass me one of the cloths from the bag?" I asked Jack. He nodded and stood up. He opened the bag and pulled out a rag. He handed it to me and I laid it over my shoulder. I laid Delilah on it and began patting her back gentlely. She burped with a little spit up.

"Can I hold her?" Jack asked.

"Of course," I said handing her to him. I pulled the rag off of my shoulder and folded it. I placed it on the table beside my hospital bed.

"Morning," A nurse said walking in with a tray. She placed it on the table.

"Thank you," I told her.

"Your welcome," she said. "And who is this cutie," she cooed at Delilah. She poked her belly and she giggled in delight. I smiled brightly.

"Her names Delilah," I said.

"Beautiful name," she said.

"Thanks," I said.

"A doctor should be with you shortly to give one last check up on you and your daughter," she told.

"Alright, thank you," I said. She nodded and left the room. I turned to see Jack making funny faces and tickling the small infant as she gurgled happily.

"Who's the cutest baby in the world? You are," he cooed at her. He blew raseberry's on her belly as she giggled loudly. I smiled at the scene.

"Your too adorable," I told her.

"I know," Jack said playfully.

"I wasn't talking to you," I rolled my eyes. He gasped in fake shock.

"But I thought I was adorable," he said and poutly playfully. I laughed.

"Nope," I said poping the 'p'. I grabbed her from his arms and held her as I looked at her beautiful blue eyes, the only thing she inheriated from him.

"How can someones eyes be so blue?!" Jack said dramatically. I laughed at his dramaticness.

"Drama queen," I said.

"I am the queen of drama, aren't I?" He said. I giggled at his sillyness.

"We're so weird!" I exclaimed. The door opened and a man in a white coat came in.

"Hello I'm Dr. Mendes," he said (A/N see what I did there? :p). I smiled towards him.

"Hello," I said.

"I just need to do a mandatory check up on you and your daughter, is that alright?" He asked politely. I nodded with a smile.

"Of course," I said. First thing he did was place those stinky thingys on Delilah chest.

"Heart beat is very healthy," he commented. He removed them from her and placed them on me. He nodded to himself. "Let's move on, shall we?"


After he did a few more tests and things, Dr. Mendes told us we could go home.

"I was wondering, did you know anywhere I could buy hearing aids?" I asked.

"We sell them here at the hospital. If you'd like we could find the right size for her and we suggest getting her news ones every couple of years," he responded. I nodded.

"How much would one cost?" I asked afraid I wouldn't be able to afford one, nevermind two.

"Well about $800 to $4000 per ear," he said (A/N I googled it, this is around the actual price of a hearing aid, like damn). My eyes widened.

"I can't even afford one," I cried.

"We'll figure something out," Jack soothed. "Would we have to pay all at once or could we pay a specific amount every month?" He asked the doctor.

"Yes you could do that. Why don't I show you some options?" He asked. We noddedvand he left the room.

"We can't afford it, Jack," I sighed.

"We'll figure it out," he said. The doctor came back into the room with a small box. He pulled out a weird looking ear piece.

"This one has the best quility which means it the most expensive at $4000," he said. I winced slightly. He put that one back and pulled out a similiar one. "This one only goes down by a thousand being $3000," he said. He put it back and grabbed another. "This is the one most parents purchase, it's $1,200, so if you bought two it would be $200 a month for a year," he said.

"We can get that one," Jack whispered to me. I bit my lip and nodded. "That one looks to be the best option, so we'll take two," Jack said.

"Very well than," Dr. Mendes said. He left the room and came back with a box of the chosen aid in many sizes. He placed the box on the table and handed me one. He showed me how to place it on her ear and I did as instructed.

"It looks a little too small," I said carefully pulling it off and handed it back.

"Try this one," he said handing me another. I slipped it on her ear and it fit perfectly.

"This is the one," I said happily. He handed me another of the same size and picked the box up.

"I'll be back to get the papers," he said leaving the room. I placed the second one on her other ear and turned both on. I double checked them.

"Play something on your phone, please," I told Jack. He nodded.pulling out his phone and playing a random song. Delilah looked around curiously trying to find where the sudden noise came from. I smiled.

"She can hear it," I said happily. He turned it off leaving the room silent. "Can you hear me baby girl?" I cooed at her. Her face twisted in confusion not used to hearing things. The door opened.

"She can hear noises but can't make out things like lyrics to a song or words you say," Dr. Mendes explained. "The tone of your voices she will almost always reconise and know who you are," he said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Here are the papers, you must sign these stating you will pay every month, you can start payong today or in one to two weeks," he said handing Jack a clipboard.

"I'll make the first payment today," he said. He signed the papers and made a check for the hospital. I smiled and looked down at Delilah as she giggled at the sudden noises. I felt content and happy knowing Delilah wouldn't be stuck in silence forever.

~Authors note~

First I wanted to appilogize for taking soooo long. My phone was being a butthead and I couldn't type because the key board decided to take a vacation. I couldn't even text me friends! I almost died.
JK JK. I wasn't even close to dying but you know what I mean.

Delilah has hearing aids! So basically like Dr. Mendes explained she can only hear noises, like the beat of a song or if someone had a really deep voice she would almost be able to make out words. Hearing aids are so fudging expensive like OMFG! If I was deaf I wouldn't be able to pay for hearing aids, I'd just be like 'now I just sit in silence' (all my TØP people should uderstand that reference).

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and again I'm sorry about not updating!


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