3 - "Hi Dakota! Hi Clair! Hi Shane! Hi Niall! Hi Abbie! Hi James!"

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Hi! >< welcome back to anothr chapter of BABD! Is you good? Is you ok? Cause I wanted to know. I hope you enjoy this chapter. GET READING!

Than everything goes black.

Darcy's p.o.v


Is all I hear continuously. I groan and slowly open my eyes. I close them quickly from the blinding light.

"Landon," I croak out, my voice raspy. I look around and notice I'm alone. The beeping gets faster and louder. "Landon!" I scream in fear. The burst open and nurses and doctors run through the door. The only face I noticed was Landon. "Landon!" I sobbed. He hugged me.

"It's alright," he calmed me. The beepong slowed down as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Where's my m-mommy?" I hiccup. The door opens.

"I'm right here baby girl," I heard my mothers voice.

"Mommy!" I sob and make grabby hands towards him. He holds me tightly. "Where's daddy?" I asked.

"He'll be here in a minute," he responded. Than the door opens.

"Hey baby girl," I heard my dad's voice.

"Daddy!" I sob loudly. He holds me tightly in a group hug. "Landon?" I said barely above a whisper.

"I'm right here," he says holdong my hand as I hug my parents.

"Thank you Landon," my mum said.

"No problem," he said.


The door opens and the doctor walks in.

"How are you feeling Darcy?" She asked.

"I've been better," I said with a chuckle.

"You were coughing up blood because you got a hard hit to your appendix. Now that the parents are here, we need to remove her appendix so there are no future complications," she said.

"Yes, of course. How long is her recovery?" Mum asked.

"A few weeks and she'll be fine. I need you to follow me, you need to sign some papers," she said.

"Ok," he said and followed the doctor out of the room. The door opened again and Dakota , Clair, Shane, Niall, Abbie, and James walked through the door.

"Hi Dakota! Hi Clair! Hi Shane! Hi Niall! Hi Abbie! Hi James!" I squealed happily seeing my old friends. They all ran and we had a huge group hug. "I missed you guys so much," I said hugging them tightly.

"Air!" Dakota gasped. I laughed and stopped holding her so tightly. We all pulled apart.

"How is everyone?" I questioned.

"Well me and Shane are dating. So are Niall and Clair than Abbie and James," Dakota said.

"I'm so single!" I yelled dramatically. Everyone laughed.

"And who is that?" Niall asked pointing to Landon and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Everyone this is Landon. Landon this is Dakota," I said pointing at her and she did a piece sign. "That's her boyfriend Shane," I said and he hugged her. "That's Niall and Clair," I said pointing at the couple while they made out. "And Abbie and James," I finished and James kissed Abbie's temple.

"Hi," Landon waved shyly.

"Don't be shy! Join the party!" Niall yelled loudly and everybody laughed.


3 weeks later

I'm beong released today. My surgery went well. My parents still don't know what happened and I don't plan on telling them. The gang and Landon have become really close.

I pull my shirt over my head and fix my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and the gang, Landon, my parents, and Landon's parents are waiting for me. I smile wide and my mum puts his arm over my shoulders and walks to the front desk to sign me out.

"It was great having you Darcy!" The resepsonist, Kelly, said.

"I'm gonna miss you Kelly!" I said. "But I'm really happy to be leaving," I said and she chuckled.

"Bye honey!" She yells as we leave.


I walk through the front door and inhale deeply. "Home sweet home!" I yell. I go into my room and go to my dresser. I grabbed my blade and happily throw it in the trash. "Good bye old friend," I said happily.

I lay on my bed and sigh happily. I've never been this happy in a long, long time. It's amazayn!

I go downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I grab a banana and eat it slowly. It's the first thing I've eaten in awhile. I moan at the amazayn taste.

"Banana's are fabulouis!" I yell.

"I'm going to kill Zayn," I hear my mum mutter.

"Mommy! Can you come give me a hug?!" I asked excitedly.

"Of course!" He said coming in the kitchen and squeezing me tight. "I'm so happy that your happy again," he whispers into my hair. "You haven't been truely happy in a long time," he said.

"I love you mommy," I whispered.

"I'm gonna have to get used to you calling me mommy," he said with a chuckle.

"I just hope it's not the pain medication making me all bubbly," I said.

"Me too," he whispered.


Another 3 weeks later

I think I'm in love with my best friend. I have no idea what I'm going to do. It's stressing me out so much! UGH! I stopped eating again but I still haven't cut in 1 1/2 months so I'm a little proud of myself.

I walk down the street on my way home. I went to the arcade with Dakota for a bit. It's almost 12 but I don't have school tomorrow since it's friday.

I continue walking until a hand is placed over my mouth. I try to screem but it's muffled with the hand. I start kicking but the person has a firm grip.

"Your not going anywhere pretty girl," a male voice said. A cloth is placed over my mouth and I panic as my vison blurs. I try to screem but nothing comes out. My body begins going limp, he last thing I said was a muffled 'help' before it's completely black.

~Authors note~

Am I a terrible person for putting Darcy through all this because I feel like I am. I'm sorry Darcy!

Anywho, how are you? I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/afternoon!


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