17 - "Please don't take her from me,"

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And in that moment I knew I was going into labour.

Welcome back to BABD! Darcy's about to give birth!! Hopefully someone finds her before Piper has a chance to take Delilah away. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! GET READING!

Darcy's p.o.v

I whined as more pain shot through my body. I heard a pop and liquid went running down my legs.

"Fuck!" I swore as the pain got more intense. I cried out in pain as each contraction hit. I pulled my pants down and off. I finally felt the need to push, so that's what I did. "Ah!" I screamed. I pushed down as hard as I could and screamed loudly. I stopped and panted. I pushed again. I could feel her head. "Your crowning," I said. I pushed as hard as I could and felt her head slip out. "Ah!" I screamed as I felt her shoulders pop out. I continued to push her body out. With one last push she was finally out.

"Waaah!" She cried loudly. I held her to my chest.

"Shh," I cooed softly. I looked around the room for something to cut the cord. I found some string and a piece of glass. I tied the string on two parts of the cord, tightly. I grabbed the glass and cut the cord. I threw the glass somewhere amd held her to my chest.


I heard loud siren and held Delilah closer to my chest protectivly. The basement door burst open and I screamed. Police officers came down.

"Are you alright?" One of them asked. I nodded my held and rocked Delilah lightly back and forth. Paramedics ran down the stairs and over to me.

"How old is she?" One asked.

"A few hours," I whispered.

"You had her here?" She asked. I nodded. She tried to grab her and I flinched into the corner.

"Don't touch her," I said.

"We need to check her," she said.

"She's fine and breathing," I said.

"We still need to make sure everything is ok," she said calmly. I shake my head frantically.

"Please don't take her from me," I sobbed.

"We're not taking her from you, you can come with us to check her, ok?" She said. I nodded and she helped me up. She wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and helped me up stairs. I took a deep breathe, loving the fresh air.

"Are you alright?" A middle aged woman asked. I nodded. "I heard screaming and called the police," she said.

"Well I was giving birth," I said. Delilah gurgled and I smiled. I cooed at her. "Hi Delilah," I cooed. She giggled and my smile widened.

"You have birth in someones basement?" She asked shocked. I nodded. "It hurt when I was in the hospital with an epidural. I couldn't image that," she said.

"Yea, but it worth it," I smiled at Delilah.

"It really is," she said.

"Thank you so much, I've been in that basement for weeks," I said.

"You were stuck in there?" She asked.

"Yea," I said.

"I'm glad I could help you both," she said. I smiled.

"We gotta get you and the little one checked out," a paramedic said to me.

"Ok," I said. We walked over to an ambulance. She helped me climb in and had me lay on the bed. They began driving towards the hospital.


They wheeled my bed through a bunch of doors and into a room. They left amd came back with a bunch of things I didn't know the name of.

"Ok we need to attach this to her chest to make sure nothing is wrong with her heart," a nurse said. I unwrapped my shirt from her small body amd they attached little stinky things to her chest. A steady thumping filled the room. "All good," he said detaching it from her.

"Hi," I cooed as she gurgled. The same nurse came back with headphones. He placed them on her head and a loud noise came from them. She didn't do anything though.

"She might be deaf," he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"We'll need to run more teste but I'm afraid so," he said. Tears streamed down my face because my baby girl was never gonna be able to hear my voice or know the joys of music. I held her close to my chest.

"Can you call my family?" I asked.

"Sure sweetie, are they in the emergency contact?" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"They should have already been contacted then," he said. He walked out of the room and came back with everyone.

"Are you ok?" Jack asked frantically. I nodded.

"Jack meet your daughter Delilah," I said showing him to her. I placed her in his arms.

"She's beautiful," he said softly.

"Isn't she?" I said.

"Are you alright baby girl?" Mum asked me.

"I'm alright," I said. Both my parents held me in a bone crushing hug. I hugged back.

"We missed you so much," dad said.

"I missed you too," I said.


After a million questions and more tests I finally got to relax. I held Delilah as she sucked hungerly. She pulled back and I pulled my gown back up. I burped her. After multiple tests the doctors discovered she was in fact deaf. I'll love her either way though, nothing will change that.

"I'm sorry you can't hear," I said. She looked around the room and gurgled. I smiled. Jack walked into the room.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Hi," I said. He walked over and sat in the chair beside the bed. The doctors wanted me to stay over night just incase. I moved over and patted the bed. He laid down with me and we cuddled together as a family.

~Authors note~

Sorry it's shorter than normal but I'll make it up to you. Delilah made it out alive! She may be deaf but she's beautiful so who cares, right?

I hope you enjoyed reading!


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