7 - "Let's go home!"

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I'm going home.

Welcome to BABD! Darcy's going home! EEK! I'm so happy! Anywho let's see how this goes. I hope you enjoy the chapter. GET READING!

Darcy's p.o.v

I pulled away from the hug and gave Josh a watery smile. "Thank you so much," I cried. We heard the door burst open and my mum, my dad and a few police officers came in. They wrapped a towel around me.

"My baby," my mum sobbed as he held me.

"Mommy," I sobbed into his shoulder.

"We made sure there were no sirens so they couldn't get away this time," one of the officers said. I nodded. I grabbed Josh's hand and we were all taken out of the house. We saw Joseph and his buddy's being taken out each with a black eye and a few cuts, probably from dad. They placed me on the back of an ambulance.

"How are you feeling?" One of the parimedics asked me.

"I feel sore everywhere," I complained.

"We can give you some pain medication later," she said.

"Will it hurt the baby?" I asked.

"No. Which reminds me we need to check on your baby," she said. She helped onto the bed and got a portable ultrasound machine. She squeezed the the gel on my stomach.

"Wait," I said and she stopped. "Can Josh be here?" I asked.

"Sure," she said. She left the ambulance and came back with Josh minutes later.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm good," I said. He nodded and the parimedic continued with the ultrasound.

"Do you already know the gender?" She asked.

"Yea," I said.

"Ok well your little girl is doing just fine," she said. She turned off the machine and I wiped the gel off my stomach. She left me and Josh alone.

"What's gonna happen now?" Josh asked.

"Your coming home with me and my parents," I said.

"Oh alright," he said.


After the parimedic finished checking me, me and Josh are now walking over to my parents car. I grab Josh's hand and we ran over to them.

"Mum, dad, this is Josh. He's the one who helped me get out," I said. Mum pulled him into a hug. He looked hesitate for a moment but hugged back.

"Thank you for saving my baby girl," he told him.

"It was my pleasure," Josh said.

"Let's go home!" I yelled. We all got into the car and began driving.


When we got home, Jake attack me in a big hug.

"Are you hurt? What happened? Who did it?" He shot question after question.

"I'm fine and what happened doesn't matter that man and his friends are going to jail for a long time. Trust me," I assured him. I pulled back from the hug. "This is Josh. He's the one who got me out," I said.

"Thanks for saving my baby sis," he said and shock Josh's hand.

"Your only older by 7 mintues! Stop rubbing it in!" I pouted. "I should be older anyway! Ladies first!"

"Whatever, your just jelly," he said.

"Nah uh, I'm peanut butter," I said.

"Oh burn," Josh said and I high fived him.

"Whatever," Jake said. We all laughed.


It's now dinner time and mum and dad are finishing up in the kitchen. They came out (A/N not yet) of the kitchen with plates full of food. We all began to eat.

"This is delious Mr. and Mr. Styles-Tomlinson," Josh said.

"Thank you, but call me Louis," mum said.

"And call me Harry," dad said.

"Ok," Josh said. We continued eating in comfortable silence.

When we finished I grabbed everybody's plates and took them into the kitchen. I put them in the sink and began cleaning them.

When I finished I pit them all away. I sat on the counter and rubbed my bump.

"I don't know if you can here me in there but, hi. I'm your mommy I just want you to know that I love you so much and I can't wait for you to get here. I hope your happy and healthy. Your father is going to be in prison for a long time but he was very mean and hurt mommy. I love you Delilah and don't you ever forget that," I said to my bump.

"That was beautiful," Josh said from behind me. I almost fell off the counter but he was there to catch me.

"Don't scare me like that!" I said and playfully hit his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to interupt your mommy to bump moment," he said.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack," I placed my hand over my heart.

"Don't be so dramatic," he said.

"Whatever," I said. I got off the counter and walked over to the fridge. I found a jar of pickles and grabbed it. I found some peanut butter and grabbed that too. I dipped a pickle into the peanut butter and took a bite. I moaned at the taste.

"What on Earth are you eating?" Mum asked me walking into the kitchen.

"Pickle with peanut butter, I've been craving one for weeks," I said.

"Pregnancy cravings are so weird," he muttered and left.

"How can you eat that?" Josh questioned.

"It taste really good. Wanna bite?" I said offering him some.

"Nope, I'm good," he said. I shrugged and continued eating it.


"Goodnight mum. Night dad," I said and hugged them. I kissed both of their cheeks and dragged Josh upstairs with me. I pushed my spare matress on the floor.

"You can have my bed," I said.

"No it's fine I'll sleep on the floor," he said.

"I can sleep on the floor your my guest!" I nearly shouted.

"No you take the bed. Your the pregnant one," he said.

"Fine we'll both sleep on the bed. I call the left side," I said and laid down. I felt the bed dip beside me.

"Goodnight," he said.

"Goodnight," I said. I placed my hand on my bump. "Goodnight Delilah," I whispered. I soon fell asleep.

Josh's p.o.v

"Goodnight Delilah," I heard Darcy whisper. Soon I heard her soft snoores. She was mumbling in her sleep.

"Cuddles," she mumbled. She cuddled into my chest and sighed contently. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Goodnight Delilah," I whispered. I soon fell asleep.

~Authors note~

Isn't that a dora bowl! (Get it, adorable) Josh and Darcy have gotten pretty close over the last 4 1/2 months. Their like brother and sister!

I'll probably update in a few days after this chapter. So hope to see you in the next one.


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