Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


Who am I; the girl that was sent to ruin Dylan and Chanel lives. Courtney is a friend a of mine. Those bitches the reason why she locked up for a long time. I'm the girl that was in Paris and had a three some with Chanel kind of. I definitely let her kiss me but my best friend was the one that gave her Gonorrhea when the lights went out. I wonder how Sky is going to feel about this. But anyways me and my twin sister Beatrice made our way in our new school. She's fresh out of prison now. As we were walking we ran into some interesting people. This is going to be a fun school year.

Beatrice: Kristina

Kristina: Beatrice

Dylan: Brandi what are you doing here

Chanel: Wait your the girl best friend I met in Paris

Dylan: This girl next to you is the person ass I kicked last year that was trying to jump Courtney and decided to shoot up the parking lot

Kristina: Wait this is my ex

China: Your what

Kristina: Don't get your panties in a twist I have exes

Brandi: Well to the people who don't know me over here I'm Brandi one of Dylan and Chanel friends and this is my twin sister Beatrice but fraternal twin and we go here now

Sparkle: Well who want you here

Brandi: I didn't have much of choice. All I did was slash the bitch and they expelled me and sent me here

Beatrice: An I'm Beatrice Kristina ex girlfriend an the bitch that tried to shoot Dylan and Courtney last year but missed but we should get going now and you still look fine as ever Kristina



Right now school was finally over but practice isn't starting until another hour. Right now we were all just standing in front of my car talking. Things are definitely going to be crazy with them around. All I ask is that I get through the year peacefully but it doesn't look like that will happen.

Sky: I don't like them, that Brandi bitch was staring down Dylan and Chanel like they a piece of meat and her sidekick need to go back to prison before we fuck her up again

China: Why you never tell me about your exes

Kristina: I don't wanna get into this

China: Well I do clearly she looks like she still want you..........Don't make me call my daddy

Sparkle: See Dylan she wants you now stop hanging out with the bitch

Sky: Yeah baby I don't give a shit if she your little Pairs buddy you not aloud to be around them

China: That goes for you too Kristina

To avoid hearing Sparkle mouth later I will stop hanging out with Brandi. Another reason is because I don't like her sister, I'm not trying to cause any trouble, and it would make Sparkle happy so I'm staying away. We all agreed not to go around them. After that I changed the subject and about a half hour later I was at practice. After that was over I decided to stop by my mom house for some advice. Me and Kristina got there the door was slightly open. I put my hand on my gun and she pulled out her knife and we slowly walked inside. I walked into the living room and I turned on the lights. After that I felt my heart sunk. There was my mom, her husband, and my little brother laying there lifeless. I tried waking them up but there was no use they were gone. I then ran to my little sister room and she laying in her crib sleeping. At least she was unharmed.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone.

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