Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


As two more months go by I just left the women clinic with Kristina. She been having problems lately because of the past injuries. She's going to have a tough delivery. But me and her are doing well; very good actually. Me and her are definitely meant to be. China is a jack ass and she been sleeping with different people lately. She doesn't even take care of the son she gave birth too. So it's my responsibility now and that little boy is so confused. Anyways I drove home and got her into bed and she went right to sleep. She's having a baby girl. After she was sleeping there was a knock on the door. I looked out the window and seen it was Dylan so I opened the door.

Dylan: Sparkle is driving me insane

Chanel: It's the hormones lol you should know

Dylan: I was never pregnant long but with my past two pregnancies girl my feelings were all over the damn place

Chanel: Bitch your ass bipolar you on a whole nother level of crazy so your ass moody every damn day

Dylan: Lmao bitch feed me with whatever the fuck you making a chick is hungry

I finished up my dinner and made Dylan a plate. I made pasta salad, yellow rice, and corn. I checked on Kristina and it looked like she pissed on herself. I laughed and left the room because she was still asleep. I went downstairs and ate with Dylan and we talked and laughed for about an hour. After that she left my house. I cleaned the kitchen and just as I was about to sit down I heard Kristina scream. I quickly ran up the stairs and found her sitting up in the bed holding her stomach.

Chanel: Babe what's wrong

Kristina: Why the fuck you didn't tell me my water broke in my sleep

Chanel: I thought that was piss you are two months early

Kristina: Chanel this baby is coming

Chanel: I'll start the car

Kristina: No we won't make it in time

I quickly got on the phone with my parents. My dad helped delivery me and my sister's from his own home with a private nurse. He didn't go to a real hospital because back then he was in the drug business and he didn't wanna get caught slipping. He had enemies everywhere. Anyways my mom and dad a family friend that's a nurse got here in less than five minutes. We got everything set up and then I told Kristina to push. She squeezed my hand so hard I lost the feeling in it for a while. But after a half hour of pushing our baby girl was finally here. I asked what Kristina was naming her and she said Kristel which is our names put together. I wiped my tears away and held our baby girl.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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