Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I walked inside my parents house and was greeted by my youngest sister Chantel. All together my mom has three kids. I'm the oldest which is sixteen, China fourteen, and the youngest is ten. Anyways she asked me to play with her and I told her another time. She skipped off to her and I found China in her room sitting on the floor crying. Me and her are really close and she tells me everything. I sat down next to her and took her in my arms.

Chanel: Are you okay

China: Does it look like I'm okay

Chanel: What's wrong

China: You gotta promise me our secret not even Sky can know

Chanel: Must be some juicy stuff

China: You know the guy I told you about that I was seeing

Chanel: Yeah what about him

China: I found out he one of Courtney cousins. He's the youngest and he's the one that shot Dylan in the back. He told me not to tell anyone or that's my ass. I decided I don't wanna be with him no more but I don't know how to tell him and they are going after Sparkle next I don't know when and I'm so scared he's going to hurt me since I told you

Chanel: Look no one going to hurt you. You know me and my mom and dad and everyone roll with isn't going to let anyone hurt you. But you know I gotta tell for the sake of Sparkle safety. You know Dylan probably snap if everything happens to her before she got the chance to date her.

China: What are you going to do

Chanel: Send Courtney and her people a little message

We both got off the floor and hugged for about a minute. From there I walked in my parents room and told them what China told me. Our dad was pissed off that someone threaten one of his baby girls. He got his gun from his closet and told me get mines. After that we got into my car and pulled out. Besides Dylan everyone knows who me and my family is. My dad used to be a thug back his day till he met my mom. She changed him now he's just a regular man that works in a hardware store. But he definitely did teach me and my sister's everything we should know about the streets. He taught me how to shoot. I taught myself how to sell dope and he didn't like that. He told me that's how his brother died and his not trying to lose any kids due to drug dealing. But people know who I am in this neighborhood because of who my dad was. We are the family you don't wanna mess with. We pulled up on Courtney block and seen her and a group of dudes sitting on the steps. I knew those were probably her cousins and the people that hurt Dylan. I kept hand on my gun that was in the back of me just in case I gotta shoot this bitch tonight. My dad asked for the one dating China. Some boy stood up and he was kind of ugly to me. My sister has some bad taste in dudes. Anyways my picked up off the steps and slammed him back down. Everyone else was about to jump on him till I pulled out my gun. Everyone sat back down as my dad wrapped his around the boys throat.

Chanel dad: Listen here punk if you ever threaten my daughter again I promise you I will kill you while your loved ones watch. You and my daughter relationship are over. Don't call her, speak to her, don't even think about her. Also leave her friends alone. If I find out you and your crew of punk ass bitches right here continue to threaten and hurt the people she cares about I'm destroying you.

With that being said he let go of the boy. He gave me the okay to lower my gun. I did and I glared at Courtney as she looked at me. She mounted the words to me this means war and I told her to bring it on.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone.

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