Chapter 1 Introduction

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Chapter 1     Introduction

The year is 2423 and this is the story about a woman named Beth and her struggle in the waste, so let’s start the story, hi I'm Beth and I’m a four tailed cybernetic fox girl and this is my life story so let’s begin I’ll take you back to when I was only a ten year old human.

The year is 2123 and I live in an underground vault, there are many vaults scattered around the world and my vault is number 101. It's my birthday and my dad is throwing me a party, he takes me into the cafeteria "SURPRISE" everyone yells.

 I was surprised, all my friends were there and I got lots of gifts but dad had a special one "Here you go Beth this is for you it was your mother’s. It's a Pipboy 3000" he said and I replied

"Thanks daddy I’ll take good care of it"

"That's good now go have fun"

"I will" and I went back to the party. A few hours later it ended and dad took me home, we got home and I went off to bed and I fell asleep straight away.

A few days later I was given the chance to leave the safety of the vault I took up the chance and I packed my things and made my way to the vault door where dad was meeting me, he told me "Sweetie be very careful out there, there are a lot of dangers out in the waste, here take this pistol for protection"

I told him thanks I will and that I will return some day. They opened the door and I made my way out, I walked out the door at the end of the tunnel and I was blinded by the sunlight for a minute or so.

 As soon as I could see again all I saw was a barren wasteland, I began to make my way to a settlement called Little Lamp Light sticking to what used to be a road I was safe for awhile until one morning.

I was half way into my trek when I was attacked by a ghoul, he knocked me to the ground, fearing for my life I pulled out a pistol that my dad had given me from its holster and fired, I hit him in the head and he stumbled back I kept firing until the clip was empty and the ghoul was dead.

I was so afraid at what had happened and at what I did, I couldn't go on any further I'd never shot a gun before or killed anyone so I set up camp and stayed there.

A few days later a family of three found me and asked what I was doing out here I told them my story and they decided to take me in as their own, they took me back to a small settlement and all the people there had fox ears and tails. I turned to my new mum and dad and said "How come these people look different to me?"

They just smiled and said "We are a unique race called the Katsunes"

"So does that mean you are like them?"

"Yes" They said. They took me to their home, fed me and I went to play with my new brother named Jack. He was a little younger than me he was five years old at the time, an hour later we were sent to bed.

The months flew by but one night I heard my mum and dad talking to each other, they said that they had to put Jack into a vault so that he was safe from harm. Shocked from the news I ran in crying "No you can't send him away!"

They told me that they had to I said okay and I went to bed.

The next day someone from vault 34 came to the tribe to take him away, they left and I am alone again but I'm with my new mum and dad so that made it okay.

Two years passed and all was good until that fateful day a hoard of fiends came to the camp and slaughtered everyone. Mum, dad and I survived and on that day they told me everything. Mum turned to me with a stern look "Mummy and daddy both have something very important to tell you Bethany"

"Okay what is it?"

"We do not have long to live and we would like to ask a favour of you"

"Okay what is it?"

"In 18 years time jack will be let out of the vault in New Vegas, we want you to be there when he comes out. When he gets out he won’t remember who you are or where he is from and we want you to protect him at all costs.

He must live. He will be the last of our kind, so as our gift to you I am giving you some of my DNA for you to use any way you see fit, when the time is right it will be stored in your Pipboy where it will be flash frozen"

"T...thank you I promise I will be there when he comes out and I will protect him at all costs, even if it means giving up my life for him I will"

With that said Mum handed me a syringe of her DNA. We left the ashes of the encampment behind us and moved on to find a new home where we could live in safety.

The following year my new parents died and I was all alone again but this time I was more prepared. I started to make my way to the Mojave, the journey is treacherous but within six months I made it there and I headed over Freeside to try and find somewhere to live.

I searched freeside for a place to stay, as I walked the streets I heard the sound of a crier speaking of a place known as the Atomic Wrangler. I approached the crier to learn more about the place. After a short conversation I made my way to the Wrangler where I purchased a room to stay.

After awhile I geared up and headed out to explore around New Vegas. I came back a few hours later with some more guns, medical supplies and more caps. I went back up to my room and went to bed.

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