Chapter 2 The change

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Chapter 2     The change

-Three years later-

I am now fifteen years of age and for the last three years I’ve been doing work as a mercenary, but one day I took on a job that would change my life forever.

 It was a pretty straight forward job, I had to go and investigate a strange radio signal coming from the old Drive in. I didn't have to be there until midnight because the signal always started broadcasting at midnight so that day I stocked up on food, water, medical supplies and ammo. I was all set to go by thee pm but I still had time to kill so I decided to go and rest up for the job.

 I got up eight hours later and geared up. Then I headed out to the Drive in, there was a picture of an eye moving on the old screen. I had a look around to see where the picture was being projected from, I noticed a crashed satellite nearby so I walked over to the satellite to try and examine it. There is was a flash of light and I blacked out.

When I awoke I was in this strange room. I got up and had a look around, I saw this big round table with a holographic map in the middle of it. I approached it and it began talking to me in a masculine emotionless tone.

It told me that I was in the Sink and that I had to go down to the Think Tank. I asked him where that was and he told me to go to the elevator and head down, I made my way to the elevator but along the way I stopped in front of a mirror.

 I saw that I was wearing a patient’s robe. I felt a burning sensation in my chest so I parted the robe slightly to find a scar on my chest. Shocked I glanced back into the mirror and saw a scar on my forehead tracing back over my skull. I then turned around and found a scar that ran down the length of my back.

Confused I made my way down to the Think Tank. I walked up a small corridor and into a massive room then up a small ramp onto a platform where I was greeted by five brains floating in these strange tanks that enabled them to talk and move around.

One of the floating brain things spoke to me, he told me that they tried to dissect my brain but in the process they took out my heart and spine and replaced them with advanced technologies.

I tried to yell at them but I couldn't, they told me about this pacification field which made me incapable of any form of aggression.

They told me I was in a place called Big Mt and that I couldn't leave until I helped them, then they told me that I had to stop this Mobias guy. They told me that I had to find two items, a satellite array and an experimental stealth suit.

 They finished telling me what I had to do and I set out into Big Mt with no armour or weapons so I had to be careful.

The first thing I decided to get was the Stealth suit so I made my way over to one of the research facilities and along the way I found some armour and a Proton axe. I got to where I had to go and I proceeded inside. The place was filled with monsters, I killed them and found all the pieces to the suit and I put it on. The Stealth suit started to talk to me, "Hi I'm the MKII Stealth suit, I will automatically inject Stimpacks when you are injured and I will also inject Med X to give you a boost to endure any battle."

"Sweet" I made my way down to the testing facility so I could upgrade the suit to its full potential. I came to a big door, as i went inside I was meet with various tasks that I had to complete in order to upgrade the stealth suit.

Once that was all finished I made my way down to the south of Big Mt to get the Antenna array, I grabbed the array and headed back to the Think Tank but it wasn't an easy path back. I had to first fight Mobias's Robo scorpions. I finally made it back and the floating brains gave me my next task, they told me I had to go and kill Mobias in his hideout.

I headed back out and made my way north to where Mobias was hiding. I got to his hideout and went inside. Awaiting me was a giant Robo scorpion which I had to kill in order for me to advance so I darted around the room to avoid its laser fire then when i was close enough I leapt onto its head and struck it repeatedly with my Proton axe.

It was no easy task but I did it and made my way to Mobias. I had a good chat to him and it turns out he's a nice brain and he told me everything I needed to know. I then had to talk to my own brain and I found that she was a real bitch or I'm a real bitch but we talked and I came to the conclusion that it's best if she stays at Big Mt.

The next thing I had to do was stop the other brains from leaving so I left and headed back to the Think Tank while my brain got flushed back to the Sink, I walked in to the Think Tank and they were floating there waiting. We did a lot of talking and I was able to convince them to work for me and for all my help they gave me a Teleporter so I could come and go from Big Mt whenever I wanted.

After that I went back to the sink and said goodbye to my brain and left using the Teleporter, I got back to the Mojave and headed back to the Atomic Wrangler and went to bed.

The next day I decided to go back to Vault 101 back in DC to fulfil the promise I made to my father years ago. I packed my things and headed back to DC it was a long trip but eventually I made it back to the Vault. I walk through the door into the underground passage and approached the Vault door.

I push the button on the intercom and a guard answers "Hello who's there?"

“Its Beth I used to live here five years ago. I've come back to see my father."

“I'm sorry but I don't remember anyone named Beth."

"Please let me in I must see him his name is Dr. Adem Ferguson."

“Oh now I remember you, hold on I'll open the door." Alarms sounded as the big Vault door opens, I walk inside and I'm greeted by the guard. "Well if it isn't little Bethany it's so good to see you again, how have you been?"

"Hi Jason I’ve been good, how about you?"

“The same as always."

“That's good, so where can I find my father?"

“He's in the Infirmary."

“Thanks I'll head over there now." I walked to the Infirmary and opened the door "Hello father it's me Beth." I steped in and there is a man sitting at the desk, he looks up at me and his face lights up with happiness.  “Beth your back it’s so good to see you.”

“It's good to see you too dad."

He gets up and we give each other a big hug, “Come and have a seat I wanna here all about your adventures.” We sit back down and I tell him all about my adventures in the wasteland and my trip to Big Mt “Wow, you have had a rough few years haven't you, so how long are you gonna stay?”

"I'll be here for a week then I need to head back to the Mojave."

“Okay you can stay in your old room. I left it just the way it was when you left. Now I need to give you a good look over.” He gives me my check up and I get a clean bill of health. For the next week I stayed by my father’s side watching him work and spending good quality time with him until the day came that I had to leave. I repacked my things and said goodbye to him. I left and went back to the Mojave.

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