Chapter 3. The reunion

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Chapter 3.        The reunion

- fifteen years later-

The year is 2143 and I woke up that morning feeling excited because today’s the day that my half brother is due to leave his Vault, I packed some supplies and a rifle then I headed out to Vault 34 to meet him when he came out. I got to Vault 34 just in time. I got to the door just as he walked out.

As he stepped out of the Vault Jack looked nothing like his younger self. He looked like a regular man but I knew that inside he was hiding his true appearance as a wolf-race Katsune. Normally he would have a  fluffy, grey tail with a pair of grey ears but not now as they appeared to be retracted.

He was temporarily blinded by the sunlight. A few minutes later he could see again and all he saw was a desolate wasteland and a beautiful young woman standing in front of him, "Hi welcome to the wasteland my name is Beth."

“Hi I'm Jack pleased to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine. Come follow me and I'll take you to your new home."

"Okay I’ll follow you." We left the Vault and headed back to the Atomic Wrangler, we went up to my suite and I showed him around, we walked into my room and all he sees is my walls filled with guns and a big glass display case with nothing in it,

"Okay this is my room"

"Holy fuck how many weapons do you have"

"I don't know I’ve never counted them"

"Can I have one?"

"Yeah sure pick one."

He walks over to the rifles and picks up a Plasma rifle "I’ll have this one."

“Okay that's fine." I suddenly remembered that I currently had a Brotherhood of steel Power armour in my wardrobe and I went to go and get it. "Here you will need this too." I handed it to him.

"Thanks but I don't know how to wear power armour."

"Oh that's ok I can teach you."

"Oh thanks."

"Okay now put it on and just let the armour do the work." An hour later Jack was able to move in the Power armour freely and easily.

After his lesson I go to the kitchen to cook up some dinner for us. Jack comes into the kitchen just as I finish "Mmmm smells good what are we having?"

"Pig mole steaks."

"Ahhhh okay that sounds interesting" I serve up and we go and sit down at the table and eat our meal "Mmm this is actually really good."

"Thanks" We finished eating our meal and I start cleaning up while jack goes to have a shower, I finish cleaning and I go and hang up my stealth suit in its display case, jack comes out of the shower and he walks into my room and notices the stealth suit in its display case.

"Hey that's a cool piece of armour can I have it?"

"Umm no, you can't there is only one in the world and I went through to hell to get it."

"Oh okay, can you tell me how you got it?"

"Maybe another time."

"Oh okay." He comes over to sit on the bed with me

"Well I'm going to go for a shower." I go into the shower while jack sits on my bed and waits for me to get out. I get out of the shower and walk into the room with just a bra and panties on. I walk past him and go to my wardrobe and get some clothes out. He turns around and looks at me and he sees a massive scar going down the length of my back.

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