Chapter 4 The transformation

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Chapter 4                   The transformation

We arrive at the Big Empty outside the think tank I carry jack inside and up to the sink and lay him down on my bed and i head down to the think tank to have the scientists help me with the DNA that I acquired from me foster mum all those years ago.

A few hours later I come back up to the sink and walk into my room where jack was sleeping just as he was waking up. “Mmmm wha......what happened where am I?”

“You’re at Big Mt.”

“What? Why are we here?” He asked with a shocked look on his face.

“Because it’s safer here, where going to stay here for a bit.” I said with a confident look on my face, but this wasn’t true however and I couldn’t tell him the real reason why we were here I wanted to surprise him.

Jack sits up and looks around and notices my organs and spine in the corner of the room “Okay but why is there a spine, a heart and a brain in here.” He said looking over at the three glass tanks that where in the room.

“There mine”

“Say what? How?”

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to him “Well fifteen years ago I got a call out to a job.”

 I told Jack about what had happened and the hell that I went though during my visit here. When I finished telling him he was almost dumb founded. “Wow.......tha.......thats really fucked up.”

I hesitate for a second before answering in a sad tone. “Yeah I know it is.” I say before continuing in a more upbeat tone. “But there was a lot of good that came out of my ordeal.”

“Ah yeah like what?” he asked with an intrigued look.

“Well the bionic heart has special filters that remove any toxins and poisons from the blood and adds a special chemical that boosts the performances of white blood cells and all healing items are more efficient .... I’m less likely to become addicted to Chems because I don’t have an organic brain. To replace my Brain I now have a CPU, and my spine is pretty much the same as my original spine but is reinforced to provide stronger support for when I’m carrying stuff.”

“Okay.” He said before fainting.

I sat there looking at Jack passed out on the bed and shrugged. ”It’s best to just leave you there for the time being.” I said to myself. I thought for a bit, about everything that has happened to me up till this point. I get up from the bed and go down to the Think Tank to talk to the scientists about having my DNA spliced. We talked for a bit about what’s going to happen after the procedure and the further evolutions that will follow in the years to come.

I lay down on an operating table. They hook me up to monitoring machines, put restraints over my body before starting the procedure. They inject a sedative and I slowly drift off to sleep.

-An unspecified amount of time passes-

I awoke in intense pain. I felt a sharp stabbing in my chest where my bionic heart is, my muscles burned like I had been lifting weights two days straight without a break. I lifted my head and looked down to find that my breasts went from a C cup to a D cup.

The scientists unstrapped me and I try to sit up. I eventually sit up and swing my legs around so that I’m sitting on the side of the table and one of the scientists bring over a big mirror to show me my new look.

I look at myself in the mirror and I see that I’m covered from head to toe in bright green fur. My facial structure had morphed away from a human to a more vulpine appearance complete with foxy ears and a muzzle.

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