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*Lacey's POV*

     "What do you mean you killed her? I'm confused.." I asked. He looked at me, his face turning as hard as stone and replied, " I had to. was her or you. I choose her." I didn't know what to say; didn't understand what he meant. I waited, hoping he would elaborate but he didn't offer any more information. Cautiously, I stood up and walked over to him. I looked down, waiting for confirmation to sit but none came. I inhaled deeply and sat down with my legs crossed beside him, careful not to touch him. I waited as long as I could, frustration building with each second that passed. "Can you explain?" I prodded, trying my best to keep my tone neutral. He didn't answer at first and I started to worry that he wasn't going to. I sighed and put my head in my hands; I was too tired to play games. "There's something you should know." he said and took a deep breath.

"A few years ago, maybe two or three I don't really know, Amy decided that it was time to step it up a bit. She took me into the woods and led me to a small town. This was the first time I had been out of that house since coming there and I didn't know what to expect. My feelings for her were strong even at that point and I had no desire to try and escape. She taught me how to hunt my prey all the while avoiding detection. It's all about subtlety; watching your prey's every movement and striking at the most opportune time. Watch when they work, when they come home, when they go to bed, everything and then attack. The hardest part was waiting; as soon as I had my sights set on my target I wanted to act immediately but Amy wouldn't let me. She taught me that patience is key in our game. Well, most of the time anyway. But that's not the point.

Usually Amy would allow me the freedom to choose my own victim. If she didn't agree with my choice she would tell me why but would never change my decision. At least that's how it was up until a few months ago. I remember she rushed in, excitement in her eyes as she handed me a picture of a girl with fire red hair. She told me that she someone special for me and that I had to play this one just right; that she was just the beginning of my legacy. I was leery, confused as to why this girl was so special. She told  that I had to avoid being seen at all cost; that remaining undetected during this hunt was of vital importance. I asked her when I was to start and she told me immediately so I quickly packed all my things and we set off.

Fire red hair..I have a sinking feeling that I know who the girl was but I don't want to say anything, not yet. I can't take the risk of asking too many questions and making him stop talking completely. Trying my best to steer my thoughts away from the identity of the girl I focused on every single word he said.

"I knew things had changed as soon as Amy pulled up to our destination. It was a high school named Riverbend and it was crawling with teenagers. None of my victims had ever been in school before. I never had to stalk a victim while they were constantly surround by people. I didn't even know where to begin looking for her. Luckily, I had Amy. She told me she had been watching this girl for a few days now which I found rather odd but didn't press the issue. She already knew her class schedule, who she spent most of her time with, and even where she lived. After telling me all the information she had already gathered she gave me some money and told me she would come back in a few days to check my progress but that until then, I was on my own. She was acting so strange that I started to get really nervous. She had always had my back and never left me on my own until now. I didn't know what caused the sudden change in her behavior and I wasn't sure I really liked it either.

I only had to wait about an hour or so until I saw her. She was coming out of the main building, smiling as she latched onto a guy I could only assume to be her boyfriend. I remember thinking she must have been pretty popular as a group of three or four other girls came running up to her. I scanned the group of giggling girls, and when I saw the face of the last girl I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach. I finally began to understand Amy's plan and I didn't like it one bit."

I knew for sure now who the red head was; it was Rose. Riverbend was MY..well Rose and I had every class together until last period. She had art and I had gym and we would meet outside every day and walk home together since we only lived a few blocks away from each other. To know that Alex had been watching her for over six months really pissed me off. If he is as good as he thinks he is then he would know that she was my best friend. One of the few people I could really count on. And he must have know what her death would do to me. I wanted to rip his head off. I took a deep breath and through gritted teeth asked, "Did you know it was me?" I was shaking, anger pulsing through my veins as I waited for his response. "Yes"he replied while looking at the ground as if were ashamed. "You mother-" I screamed and lunged at him. Blinded with rage,  I wrapped my hands around his neck as tight as I could, not caring if I killed him.  

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