Chapter 2

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Again, this is not what he expected his first day will turn out. After the incident on Professor Oh’s office, he stomped out and contacted Minseok. He knew that his bestfriend has free time after first period like him. He’s practically fuming and Minseok could help him to calm down.

“Who will I send to grave this time?” That’s the first thing that Minseok asked upon seeing the frown on Luhan’s face. The doe huffed, hooking his arm on Minseok’s then pulled the latter toward their favorite spot every spring season, the quad. They love to stay under the shadow of a tree, studying or talking about what happened on their day.

“You will not believe what happened this morning, Minnie! I almost gave my first kiss—”

“What?!” Minseok exclaimed in disbelief. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch!”

“—on the floor.” Luhan continued.

“Right, of course. Zhang Luhan’s clumsy chronicles never gets old.” Minseok laughed. “I assume Jackson saved you. He’s your classmate in inorganic right?”

“It would be better if it’s Jackson but no! It’s the new professor!”

“New professor?” Minseok watched as Luhan’s plump cheeks poured with red hue which made him more beautiful. “I thought Professor Kim will be your inorganic teacher?”

Luhan groaned. “That what I thought too. Professor Sejeong told me that she will took this subject but the new Professor happened. And can you even believe what happened this morning?” The beauty asked with his hands moving animatedly. Minseok fights the urge to coo at his cute bestfriend and chooses to nod on whatever he says.

“He gave us an exam! On the first day of school! He even forced me to seat on a chair in front of his table. What does he think of me? Do I look that stupid to the point that he thinks I’m going to cheat on an exam?!”

Minseok pats Luhan’s head sympathetically then pulls him to sit on the grass. He handed him a chocolate drink that he bought earlier and his favorite egg drop that Baekhyun prepared for his baby brother. Of course, Luhan once again forgot to bring it. “Do you want me to pull a prank on that Professor?”

The older didn’t got a response instantly because the poor fawn is too busy trying to prick the container using a straw. Minseok eventually gets the almost crushed carton on Luhan’s delicate fingers then pierces it. He returned it to Luhan and the latter hummed happily as though he’s not fuming a while ago.

“Are you going to do it with Jongdae?” Luhan asked teasingly after taking a tentative sip. Minseok’s face instantly reddens.

“Why would I? I’m not associating myself with him!” Minseok spluttered. “And refrain from mentioning his name, Lu.”

“Oh, so you want him only for yourself? I didn’t know that you’re possessive Minnie.” Luhan wiggled his eyebrows playfully at his tomato faced bestfriend.

“W-what? Of course not! I will never ever like that—”

“But you were muttering his name when you were asleep last Friday night. I still haven’t got over from the fact that you fell asleep while we’re watching frozen by the way.” The doe puts the carton down then pinches Minseok’s fluffy, red cheeks. “Admit it! You are clearly besotted to Jongdae.”

Both of them got distracted momentarily when they heard a loud cough. Luhan’s face instantly crumpled, displeasure is etched on it upon seeing the culprit. He leaned on his flabbergasted bestfriend to whisper.

“That’s the Professor I’ve been talking about, Minnie.”

He subtly looks at the obnoxious and arrogant Professor, face still a few inches away from Minseok. Luhan saw how Professor Oh’s eyes turned sharp while looking at their direction, lips pressed into thin line and jaw clenching tightly for unknown reason. What the hell is his problem this time? He looks scary with that face. He unconsciously pouted then scooted closer to Minseok as though his bestfriend will able to protect him from big bad wolf. His legs are place above Minseok’s, almost sitting on the latter’s lap. This is completely normal for them and purely platonic so it didn’t bother them anymore, well except to one person.

(Currently Rewriting) Chasing you [HunHan Fanfiction]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon