Chapter 1

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There is an old story on Chinese folklore about a magical connection between two people that are destined to be soulmates called red string of fate. The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.

Luhan wonders who is tied on the other end of his thread. He was born in a family of believers of red string of fate, of destiny. Even his mother who wasn’t an original believer and insisted that they are just a mere myth, believed later on when she got married for the second time around. His mother married his father out of rebellion, believing that his grandparents are nuts for believing on such hoax. Everything made sense when his mother met Byun Baekbeom who had identical mark of a daffodil. Both his parents got into an agreement to take a divorce. Baekbeom eventually became his stepfather and he’s quite grateful because not only he had two fathers but he also had two step brothers, Byun Baekhyun and Byun Kyungsoo.

Every person was born to have a unique mark, (not necessarily a flower because his brother Baekhyun has a Phoenix) engraved on their skin and it is only identical to their other half, the person that they will spend the rest of their lives with. The closer the mark on your left chest, the stronger your connection with your soulmate. Luhan himself has his own mark. It is a tattoo of a tulip flower engraved directly on the skin of his left chest, where his heart is located. But despite of this, at the age of 21, he still hasn’t found his soulmate yet. His family especially his grandparents are doing whatever they could just to find his other half. There are unfortunate people who ended up marrying someone they are not meant with. Worse, some ended alone and died without the warmth of their partner. That’s what his family are afraid of. They treat Luhan as though he is a precious gem that is very fragile. The most overprotective of them all is his older brother, Baekhyun as well as his bestfriend, Kim Minseok.

Sometimes, he envied his stepbrothers who both already found their partners. His older brother, Baekhyun has Park Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, who’s a year younger than him has Kim Jongin. They have another brother, Luhan’s full blooded brother Yixing, who is already 18 years old. Both of them still haven’t found the right person for them but in the case of their youngest brother, it is understandable because he just turned 18. He is still young, he’s aware of that but there is unreasonable and irrational fear within him of being left alone.

“Luhannie,” a male voice singsang outside his room.

A smile automatically etched on his beautiful and ethereal face upon hearing his bestfriend’s voice. It is the first day of school and they are currently on their final year. The doe currently takes Bachelor of Science in Chemistry while his bestfriend is taking Physics.

“Let’s go— did you study in advance again? Seriously?” Minseok asked in an incredulous tone then plopped on Luhan’s bed comfortably.

“There is nothing wrong with studying.” He replied in defensive tone.

“You are going to get the summa cum laude award at that rate, Hannie. You should really go out and have fun sometimes because the moment we graduate, we will not have time to enjoy anymore.”

“Well, I am also going out on a bar.”

“A gig doesn’t count, Hannie.” Minseok deadpanned.

Luhan giggled at Minseok’s unamused face. He got his bag then pulled his bestfriend out of his bed. “Come on, Minnie. I thought you don’t want to be late?” He evaded the topic not so swiftly but Minseok only rolled his eyes as he let Luhan pull him out the room.

“Gege! Have you seen my favorite snapback?” The ever cheerful and forgetful Yixing suddenly blocked their way. The doe really knew that his little brother will ask about it.

“It’s on my room, Xing. I had it laundered already.”

“You are the best, gege!” Yixing kissed his cheek then skipped toward his room.

(Currently Rewriting) Chasing you [HunHan Fanfiction]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon