Chapter 10

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Picture of the BIKE--------->

It was beautiful, we could see the tall buildings, the city lights and all the traffic but, no one could see us, no one could hear us! The calm and soothing sound of the waves clashing on the sand was magnificent; it felt so good to be wit Danny here, alone.

After some time we just lied down on the wooden floor looking at the twinkling stars… the sky was beautiful, it had layers of silver glitter shining, along with an oval white moon giving away all its brightness to the rest of the sky.

Danny’s arm was under my head and I had wrapped my hand around waist…

Danny looked at me and smiled; I smiled back and kissed his chest!

It was 2 o’clock already and it was getting cold, so I asked Danny if we could leave now…

“Now? I don’t want to leave” he said pleadingly

“But it’s too cold here Danny! We can’t stay here all night!” I exclaimed

“Why not?” he said with his evil grin, looking at the mini hut

“There? Your serious” I asked in a confused tone

He got up and held me in his arms.

My arms were wrapped around his neck, while his hand was under my neck and my thighs

We went in the house and it was not that bad, it has a heater and a cozy couch! On the second floor, there were two bed-rooms

“Who stay’s here?” I exclaimed, while sitting on the swing which was on the end of the living area

“Well, I have rented it for us!” he replied with poise from the other end of the house

I nodded and turned away. All of a sudden Danny comes from the kitchen with glass shots!

“What’s that?” I asked confused

“vodka, rum, breezer, whatever you want” he replied holding out the tray in front of me with 2 big bottles of vodka, rum and 3 bottles of breezer…

“We are going to booze?” I asked

“Yeah why not! It’s our time now…” he replied with pleasure keeping the tray on the centre table

I laughed and grabbed a shot glass, to which Danny added vodka and a bit of coke to lessen the effect

We were going high slowly; actually I was going high… Danny just had a breezer

I was now sitting by Danny’s side… we had finished everything that was on that tray.

“So you’re having fun?” Danny asked in his sweet voice

“Umm, hmmm’ I replied drinking another shot of rum

“So you want to tell me something” Danny asked raising his eye brows

“Something what?” I asked confused  

“Anything, what’s on your mind?”

“My mind, I am just thinking on how first let my father die and now my mother” I said rudely

Danny came and sat next to me holding my hand in his and asked me to continue

“Well, if you really want to know! Stella was right. I should have let her in, I know she murdered my father she killed him without any mercy, but she gave birth to me didn’t she?” I asked Danny with my eyes nearly in tears

“Yes pepper she did” he said looking straight in my eyes

“Pepper?” I exclaimed with my voice a bit shaky

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