chapter 23- original version

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ok guyz, so this is what i had actually decided to end the book with, but my friends forced me not to give this sort of ending as most of them wont like it. but well i wanted to upload it too. so here it goes

hope you like it 

He was shot, for minute I could see all the times he kissed me, the vows he took that he’d stay with me forever.

“Hey I am Daniel Hudson, I just came by next door” the first time he every spoke to me in his sweet innocent voice

The first time he ever kissed me, the time he held Sabrina, the time he got got to know he was going to be a father, the times we spent together…

Everything just flashed in front of me

I was right there, in the hospital bed with him. I laid my head on his cold chest, his heart stopped beating.

I lied there still, no movement… my mind was blank and then I saw doronda, jill, stella, eric come in.

“Rachel?” I heard someone say, didn’t really bother to see who or pay attention or even reply.

They stood there watching me. But my mind, it was totally blank. I had no idea what happened? One second everything was there and now nothing

“you need to move Rachel we can’t be here” I heard again similar voice.

“please, just leave me alone” I said in a shattered voice, trying to keep myself together

“you can’t stay here”

“Can you please, please just get out” I tried to say without breaking.

“I know you love him, but he also loved you, he wouldn’t want to see you like this, he loved you Rachel” finally I saw it was eric talking to me.

“an hour ago he kissed me, loved me, hugged me…  and now, now he’s gone” I said and fell in tears as the words came out of my mouth, I couldn’t stop I squeezed in his chest even further crying harder and harder every second, “he isn’t here  he is gone, how the hell is he gone, he can’t go. No not at all, he has to come back NOW” I kept shouting

Eric picked me up and took me outside, while I just broke the damn!

“He is gone, he can’t be gone, he was right here. I want him back. Right now… please” I pleaded to eric and stella. They just hugged me, didn’t say a word

I want him back , I cant live without him.

“mommy” I heard sabrina’s voice from the back

She came running to me and hugged me like never before

“sab… sabrina” I said hugging her even tighter patting her back, she just cried. She just lost her dad, the way I did.

One second you are planning something, and then second later, you are searching for a grave stone, a coffin, a black dress, flowers. This is how sudden death can be.

I reached the cemetery, no one was there yet. I wanted to come early. There I saw the coffin with danny in it for the last time. I couldn’t belive he was dead, but I didn’t have any other option.

It was time for me to speak now.

“We never really talked about what danny wanted for a funeral, well it was because we never really expected it, and he wasn’t much of a talker, when some of you guyz hugged me today, you said to take care and he was in a better place, and you know what, he is in a diner eating cheese burgers with me and his family, and he is watching football with eric and playing doll with his daughter, and since he has to be in these wonderful places, I am going to have to say goodbye to him now… good bye danny” I said trying to to fall in tears and somehow managed, I was broken but somehow I knew he was still there with me, looking over Sabrina taking care of all my problems from up there, in a better place. I love you once, I love you twice, I love you more than beans and rice” I completed it with what he had first ever said to me

I love you pepper.

I concluded saying it to the sky hoping danny would listen to me.

Shots were fired in obesense for what Daniel Hudson was to the city. I kissed his forehead for the last time, holding on to Sabrina.

“Rachel, what are you going to do now?” one of the media popped up

“Rachel, how are you going to manage it?” another question

“are you going to marry again?” next one

 “you know I do feel cold right now because danny isn’t here to wrap me in his arms, but I do have all the warm memories of us being together, us having Sabrina, spending time together. And whenever I feel cold I know can always wrap myself in those warm memories. A part of me has died with danny but a part of him will always live in me.” I told everyone and left.

Third person

And this is how life can changes. Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either.

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