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Queen 11

My summer wasn't going as planned but then again nothing ever did. It was about midnight now and I still wandered the streets with only fifty dollars left in my pocket. I still needed to buy more clothes and shoes. On top of that for the last two weeks I've had to find new places to live, but now I couldn't afford to go to another motel. I seriously needed to save my money. It was pitch dark and I was walking with one huge suitcase in my right hand. I placed my left hand in my pocket, and let the cool summer breeze flow through my curly hair which was flying in all directions. While enjoying the wind I spotted a small ranch style diner called BURGER&FRIES DINER. I needed to find a job immediately so I walked in. Instantly as I walked in people looked in my direction and started to stare at me. It only held a few tables and mostly white people where around. I watched people indulge in their burgers and chew their fries like it was freshly made delicious gourmet food. That's when a blonde haired man walked up to me.
"You looking for something girl?"
"Yea is this place hiring?"
He looked around the diner and then said "This ol' beat up joint" then looked back at me and chuckled.
"We ain't looking for no help girl . . . So you might as well run along somewhere else".
He then spit next to my foot. I jumped back before it touched me and started to walk away. As I walked away some man from the bar cocked his head towards me.
"You looking for work girl, I can find you some place to work".
I turned sideways to get a better look at him. He was tall, caramel skinned, and astonishingly very handsome. I needed a job so I walked over to him.
"Go ahead and sit on down".
I sat down on a stool right next to him.
"Go on and sit ya stuff down too get comfortable".
"Now why would I do that, you trynna rob me?"
He chuckled a bit and so did I. That's when he asked one of the waitresses to come over.
"Yes Mr. King".
I thought to myself he had to be well known around here for the waitress to know his name.
"I will have my regular . . . also get this beautiful lady one as well".
"Well how old is she?"
They both looked at me. I fixed my hair and dress.
"Eighteen, I'm eighteen"
"You got an I.d.?"
"I lost it".
Mr. King and the waitress looked at
"Well I'm sorry but I can't serve you without an I.d."
"Hold on . . . Sheryl listen now you know me I'm a well respected man around town and I would never give alcohol to a minor if she wasn't of age I wouldn't have made the request now would I?"
"Yes Mr. King but . . . "
He cut her off.
"Sheryl Just get the drinks".
She looked frightened, then she walked away.
"Well you sure must be well known".
"I own a few clubs".
He looked me up and down from my head to my toes.
"Oh really what kinda club?"
"I would love for you to work for me. I can get you anything you need".
"I need a place to stay".
"That's not a problem".
He smiled at me, I smiled back. I honestly didn't know if I should trust or listen to this man but I needed help finding a job and a place to stay, so any help right now was the best. The waitress brought two shots out. Mr. King and I chugged them down. It was so strong I choked a little I even thought I was going to vomit for a minute. He laughed at my facial expression.
"Damn what is this shit?"
"Hennessy . . . Now let's get out of here".
"Where are we going?"
"My place. It ain't like I'm gonna hurt you I don't bite."
He smiled then picked up my suitcase. I knew it was really risky and iffy for me to follow him but looking at my current situation I did anyway. We walked outside to a brand new black BMW he opened up my door and I got in.
As he drove he asked me questions.
"What's yo name?"
"That's a beautiful name . . . you can call me Cam".
"Cam why you being so nice to me?"
"You needed help so I want to help you".
"What do I have to do?"
He looked over at me but didn't answer my question he just stopped the car at a nice ranch style house.
"C'mon in".
He got out and so did I, grabbing my suitcase I followed him into the house it was very beautiful on the inside. Very neat and nicely kept up as if he had a maid. I walked around as he followed behind.
"Cam you never did answer my question".
I turned around and he looked at me.
"God you're beautiful, how old are you really?"
He stared at me for a second then walked into this huge bedroom, I followed him in. He sat down on his bed as I stood up in front of him.
"About that job.,You can work for me at this club I own as a dancer".
I chuckled.
"What kind of dancer?"
"C'mon on over here girl and I'll show you".
I was a little hesitant because he reached out and started grabbing me by my hips but I needed this money so I gave in a little. He laid me on his bed and began to kiss me.
"Cam I don't want . . ."
He started kissing me again then he looked at me closely.
"You want this job don't you?"
"Yes I do . . . but I thought I was going to dance".
Cam got up and walked around his room.
"Where's your family at girl?!"
"I don't have nun".
I sat up in his bed.
"What why I need the job?!!"
"You can't do nothing for me".
I stood up then headed towards the door. He watched me as I stopped. I had no place to go or stay and right now this random man was my only hope. So I turned myself around walked over to Cam and started kissing him. I put my hands down his pants slowly rubbing his dick as he started getting hard.
"Damn girl you sure want this job don't you?"
I nodded my head as he gently laid me back on his bed.
I woke up with my hair everywhere and Cam standing over me.
"You been sleep for years girl . . .don't you get rest?"
I chuckled as he sat down and gently rubbed his hands through my head.
"What time is it?"
"6 . . . pm".
I got up out of shock from what time he said .
"Relax girl you don't start working until tonight . . . I promise I'll help you get whatever you need and that's what I'm going to do".
"Do you do this to all the girls that dance for you?"
He chuckled and looked me in my eyes. Cams skin was like milk chocolate and his eyes where hazel as ever. I couldn't believe I had slept with this man I just met.
"Only if they're as beautiful as you . . . and no you're the first".
I smiled, even though I knew he was lying.
"Cam I've never danced before".
"That's alright, men like newbies".
He got up and walked out. I followed him to the kitchen as he was fixing some strawberries. I then spotted some bacon on a plate, as I went to grab it Cam pushed me really hard. I fell to the ground with a loud thud.
"That's not for you!"
I got up dusting myself off.
"I'm sorry".
"You get fruit you have to keep your body nice . . . and what's all those scars I saw on your stomach huh?!"
I stepped back as he charged for me. He grabbed my arm really hard.
"They've always been there"
"It's disgusting you have to take care of yourself. I know a plastic surgeon who can fix that, please go and clean yourself up".
I backed up slowly then walked upstairs. For some reason I was beginning to regret what I had done.
It was around midnight and I stood in a dressing room full of strippers. Cam had a thing for young girls, they all laughed and walked around half naked while I stood by the mirror looking at my body in this all lace bathing suit. It was a one piece and it showed off all my ass. To tell you the truth I was extremely nervous. I didn't know what to do at all. That's when suddenly Cam barged in yelling for girls to hit the floor and go make him some money. He spotted me and walked over to my direction.
"You look beautiful".
"Cam you've done so much for me, but I can't do this . . . this is not me I'm not feeling it".
His face scrunched up and he looked at me. He put both his hands on my arms.
"Baby you look beautiful, all you're doing is dancing to get you some money. I said I would help you".
"I know but . . . "
He stopped me by kissing my lips, he then grabbed something out of his pocket and told me to close my eyes and open my mouth. I did as he told, he placed something on my tongue and told me to close my mouth.
"Now let it dissolve baby girl and in a few minutes you won't worry about anything".
I shook my head then walked upstairs.

BROKEN By: RONNEA STILESWhere stories live. Discover now