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Queen 17

"Baby I'm glad you came back, you know I love you, you make me the most money".
Cam said while holding up my chin as if he were my father and I his crying daughter. I nodded my head and opened my mouth as routined. Cam placed the candy in his mouth then slowly kissed me putting his tongue around mines as it dissolved in my mouth. He stopped kissing me after the candy fully dissolved then smiled.
"You're beautiful and I'm going to take care of you . . . Just stop leaving ok?"
"Yes Cam".
I smiled brightly at him and turned to walk away, he smacked my ass as I headed up the steps ready to dance. I slowly walked up the stairs my hands to my sides wearing pink laced panties. My curls bounced everywhere as I walked in high heels. The lights were dim and young girls half or fully naked danced all they could while men grabbed and touched them. As I was walking to find someone to dance on an old man grabbed my wrist. He held out a one hundred dollar bill. I faked a smile and walked over to him.
"Hey baby".
He said with a slick but perverted smile and look on his face.
I've noticed the more you talk to these men and make them feel loved for that moment the more money you get. I could feel the dissolved candy doing something because I started to feel calm as if I was floating on clouds or walking on water. My world stopped and it was just me dancing as if no one else was in the room. I slowly touched all over the man trying to be flirtatious, then slowly turned around and bent over in front of him facing forward. I slowly grinded on his crotch then did a split right in front of him. He started to grab my ass really hard and to tell you the truth I didn't like the feeling but I thought "Do what you gotta do to get this money." I turned to face him dipped low to the floor then back up and started dancing.
"Take them clothes off for me baby."
He said.
I shook my head no.
"I gotta see more cash baby".
He pulled me closer to him and started to feel on my boobs and butt. That's when he handed me another one hundred. I knew this man had money so I did exactly what he asked. I smiled then took off my panties and started to bounce my bare ass on him. He was beginning to get hard, that's when Cam came over.
"Shows over."
The man tried to stand up but Cam gave him a look. The type of look your mother would give to you in a store if she told you not to touch something but you did it anyway and she catches you. So the man sat right back down. Cam tugged on my arm hard pulling me away. I hurried and grabbed my panties.
"Damn Cam I wasn't done . . . you fucking with my money!"
Cam backed me hard into the wall. He stared me down.
"Listen I can make you more money, but I need you to do something for me".
His grip on my arms loosened, now we were just face to face.
"Baby I'll do anything for you".
He smiled as I started to laugh. My world was getting blurry.
"There's men whose willing to pay you five hundred dollars".
"Okay great so where they at?!"
"Baby listen to me . . . you one of my prettiest girls and I love you. I helped you out now it's time for you to help me, okay."
"Cam baby what you asking me to do?"
"To do a few things for me, you'll have your own private room and they'll treat you nice I'll make sure of that".
"You want me to fuck them?!"
"Baby . . . I promise please it's fast money I'm giving to you."
I rolled my eyes.
"What, fuck no!"
Cam pushed me back into the wall.
"Stay right here I'll be right back".
I stood there for about two minutes then Cam came back. He had a shot in his hand.
"Here drink this".
He handed the shot to me, I swallowed down the liquor quick, it was so strong.
"Now baby please just do this not for me but for the both of us. I promise I'm going to make something big out of you".
Cam was the only person whose ever really cared about me. He gave me money, clothes, food, and a place to stay. So I believed him when he told me he was helping me.
"Do you love me?"
Cam smiled.
"Of course baby of course".
"Alright, well where is this guy at?"
"He's in the back in a special V.I.P. Room he's got big money".
"Ok . . . Then let's go".
"First put this face mask on, he has a big fetish for mask".
I laughed then put the mask on.
I walked into the V.I.P. Room, there was only a big red couch that looked like a bed and a man with a mask on sitting on the couch. He was very cocky built and light-skin. He sat like he had no one in life, no family, shoulders were slumped and I could see sweat dripping from his palms. No wonder he paid to fuck I thought. My eyes where getting smaller and smaller and everything around me seemed to blur out as I walked up to him. He instantly started talking to me.
"You have a sexy body."
I watched his eyes as he traced my body from top to bottom.
"How old are you beautiful?"
"I'm sixteen"
"A lil young girl I see, but you got a real nice body baby. What you gone do for me?"
"Anything you want".
"Turn around for me".
He said.
I stood there for a second then turned around, as I did he sat up and started feeling on my butt, he was breathing harder and harder with almost every feel. I could feel his breath hitting my back, that's when he turned me around stood up and kissed me on my lips. I tried grabbing his face or side but he put my hands right back down to my sides.
"Don't do anything baby".
I nodded my head yes as he loosened up his pants grabbed my hands and put them down into them. He made my hands start rubbing on his dick to make it hard. When it got hard he stopped me and sat down on the couch.
"Get on up here girl. Let me see how pretty you are".
I was kind of curious to see how this mysterious man looked. I got on top of him and started rubbing on his dick continuously as I sucked on his neck. He kept smacking my ass which was turning me on and I instantly started to tongue kiss him.
He whispered.
I smirked then looked at his all black mask.
"Why don't you take your mask off".
"Sure babe how about both of us at the same time?"
He insisted on doing so, so I nodded my head yes, got up from on top of him. I backed up then turned away from him then took my mask off.
"You ready?"
I asked.
"Yea I'm ready baby, turn yo sexy ass around".
I turned around. My heart jumped out of my chest at the sight of who it was. The man's face flushed red. I stepped back hastily to the wall almost falling. How could he do this? How could he do this to his family, how could he do this to little girls? How could he do this to me? I couldn't believe I was about to fuck Jame's dad. The preacher, the man whose supposed to be a holy man and help people to get closer to God but in reality he was just sick.
"Please don't tell my son".
He jumped to the floor and got on his knees beseeching back and forth for me not to tell James. A tear ran down my eyes.
"I . . . won't".
That's when I ran out the room running into Cam, he tried to grab me but I was able to brush passed him. I couldn't believe this, I can't trust anyone. I ran out of the club with no intention where to go and kept running.

BROKEN By: RONNEA STILESWhere stories live. Discover now