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Queen 23

I held unto Cam as he carried me into his house. He took me to his room and laid me on the bed.
"You need to get some sleep".
"No Cam! Please C'mon give me some stuff".
I sat up on my knees in the bed as he stood up beside me.
"Ok this is it though, alright only for tonight".
Cam grabbed the coke out of his pocket, sitting the bag on the table. He opened it up and started cutting up the lines. I got out of bed and walked over to him after he finished cutting four lines. I sniffed the first row.
"That's it".
"No! Cam please".
I begged.
He sighed and sniffed a row for himself.
"You need to stop asking for this shit. I gave it to you only for one time so you could get your shit together. This shit can and will seriously fuck you up".
"C'mon you said it yourself, you gave it to me. What did you expect to happen?"
Cam didn't say anything. I took his shirt off and started to kiss all on his neck and smooth caramel chest.
"C'mon let's make love".
Cam smiled as I took my shirt off.
"You know how to make me happy".
Cam got up and laid on the bed. I hurried to sniff those last two rows. The coke flew into my nose making it sting. I started to feel weak but calm. I slowly walked over to Cam. As I was moving closer he started to become blurry. Soon my chest began to burn, it felt like someone was stabbing me. I tried to hold unto the table but I fell hardly to the ground. I heard lots of movement and yelling. That's when my world went black.
I woke up in a white room. I looked around coming to notice I had I.Vs in my arms. What the fuck happened I thought. That's when a tall blonde lady came into the room.
"Thank God you are awake!"
"What, why am I hear?"
"Try to relax sweetie, you've been out for a week now, your body isn't fully . . . how do I say operable yet".
"What . . . What do you mean?"
"Well you were brought in because you overdosed on cocaine hun. Now we've called your father and he should be able to pick you up when you're ready to leave . . . "
I cut her off.
"I'm ready to go now!"
"Relax . . . Please relax, now it's very important that you and your father agree on checking you into rehab to get you clean and make sure this doesn't happen again. You shouldn't be doing that stuff it's not healthy for you or the baby ".
"What are you . . . What do you mean a baby!? It . . . it was an accident. I need to make a phone call".
I tried to get up but she held me back down.
"Sweetie you're almost three months pregnant. We've been monitoring the baby's heart rate and yours, this is a risky pregnancy. But we wanted to give you a week before we decided on anything to do. Your dad has also been very helpful in helping us decide what's best for you both. God answered our prayers and you and the baby should be fine. We're going to have to keep you on watch, and you must go to all your doctor appointments. You need to relax, if it wasn't for the man who found you on the street you wouldn't be alive. I need you to understand that you really need help".
"Okay . . . I need to make a phone call".
She sighed and pointed to the phone then walked out. I couldn't believe I'd overdosed and that I was pregnant. I needed to call James.
An hour passed as I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I was putting my clothes on as my dad walked in. "Shit" I was hoping it was James. He looked angry.
"I can't believe this!"
"Dad I already have someone coming to get me . . . just go home".
"No you look a mess! Do you know I've been up here back and forth hoping you will wake up!"
He closed the door then bum rushed me into the wall. I grabbed his hands as he tried to choke me.
"Leave me alone!"
I pushed him.
"Or what?!"
"I'll tell them what you did to me and mom!"
He pushed me again and grabbed my neck pushing me hard into the wall. I tried to fight him back. He somehow managed to grabbed ahold of my neck and started choking me. His hands were wrapped around my neck hard gripping tighter and tighter like an anaconda suffocating it's prey. I struggled and squirmed trying to get away but he was too strong. My fathers eyes were black and all I saw in them was hell. I started to feel my self fade away, but right at the last second James swings open the door. His face was In shock complete and utter awe. He immediately jumped into action. He ran over and knocked my father into the ground. I fell as I started coughing to catch my breath. I watched in agony as my father and James fought. I screamed for help as tears fell from my eyes, security and staff rushed in and broke them up. All I could do was sit there and cry.
After security came they arrested my father. I dropped the charges. All I wanted was for James to hold me. I didn't care what happened to my father. James was now taking me back to a motel.
"Is that the man who's been hurting you?"
I didn't say anything.
James pulled the car over into an empty car lot and turned the engine off.
"Tell me! Is that the man who's been hurting you and putting those bruises on your body?!"
I shook my head as tears fell from my eyes.
"I'm pregnant".
James eyes became big.
"Is . . . is . . . it mines?"
"No it's my fathers".
"What? But I thought you said he was dead?!"
"I lied. I didn't know how to tell you . . . it's been my dad all this time. I fucking overdosed on coke and I didn't even know I was pregnant!"
"I can't believe this . . . is the baby ok?"
"Yes but James I don't know what to do with a baby. I barley can take care of myself. I don't know what to do. My life has always been shitty, now there's a baby coming and its life will be shitty because of me as its mother. I'm so fucked up, my life is fucked up, everything is just so fucked up!"
James didn't say anything he just leaned over and held me tight. I pulled him tighter and started to cry in his arms.

BROKEN By: RONNEA STILESWhere stories live. Discover now