3. A Toast, To Friends

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"Hilda! Hi!" Bianca squealed as she ran towards me upon my entrance into the villa and took me in her arms in a hug. "I've missed you!"
"I've missed you too, B. But it's only been a couple of weeks," I laughed, struggling to breathe properly beneath her tight grip.
"But we used to see each other every day, it's just so different now." Her usually excited face sunk into a sad expression, but was soon fixed when Cheren rushed over to copy her actions with a big hug.

"How have you been? I bet I'm stronger than you now, for sure." He smirked, earning a giggle from me.
"Oh please, you know I only get stronger than you do."
"One day, you won't be able to say that, and I'll beat you."
"Keep dreaming Cheren." I winked. "So when is this party starting?"
"In about an hour," Bianca started. "You look absolutely gorgeous, might I add. Where did you get that dress from? It makes you look so elegant!"

I looked down at my dress: a long, tight maroon dress, clung to my body with my left leg exposed beneath a slit that came together at the top of my thigh, and a pair of black wedges that agreed nicely with the colour of the dress. Her comment brought a slight blush to my cheeks, but it was she who looked completely stunning.
Bianca was dolled up in a floral dress that ended just above her knees. The black material was covered with delicate little white daisies, her blonde hair hanging straight just below her shoulders.
"Oh please, you look absolutely amazing B! Cheren! Doesn't she look stunning?!"

Our childhood friend smiled warmly at Bianca before turning his head back towards me.
"You both look absolutely beautiful. Now come on, let's go grab some champagne. We can have a small toast before everyone starts arriving".

Bianca excitedly grabbed my hand as Cheren led the way towards an ice bucket in the kitchen. He pulled out the large bottle of champagne and quickly grabbed three glasses, pouring us each a glass of equal size.

"I'd like to make a toast to Bianca's resort. I have full hopes that it will turn out amazing and she'll finally have figured out what she wants to do." Cheren said, raising his glass in the middle of the small circle we'd formed. Bianca and I smiled, lifting our glasses in sync with one another, the three of them joining with a clink.

"I'd like to toast to Cheren, for his success of becoming the Gym Leader of Aspertia City, and for showing new trainers that their bond with Pokémon is enough to take them all over the world." I smiled upon giving my small speech.


"And finally, Hilda deserves a toast. I don't really know where to start with this, but I think I'll go with the fact that she has been the most amazing friend to both Cheren and I, and I couldn't have asked for someone better to have started my journey with two years ago. You've grown into this amazing person, whose bond with Pokémon is probably the strongest I've ever seen. You alone faced perils in breaking up Team Plasma, and you prevailed in doing so. There's absolutely no way I could've done that!" The three of us laughed before she carried on. "Honestly, I'm so proud of who you've grown up to be, and I know you'll continue to do great things. So," she paused, smiling a bright smile. "To Hilda!"

"To Hilda!" A selection of different voices from behind us caused the three of us to turn around. Stood there was my mum, my brother, the Professor and the former Champion, Alder.

"Hi! What're you all doing here?" I smiled widely, excited to see those who helped me so much throughout my journey.

"To celebrate with you of course! Bianca invited us, and we're all very excited about this resort." Professor Juniper said, walking over to give us each a hug. "I trust you're doing well? Your Serperior is looking stronger than ever! I still remember the little baby she was when I gave her to you all those years ago."

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