6. Unexpected Visitors

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A quiet knock on the door had me sniffling, wiping my face and regaining my posture. 
"C-come in."

"Hilda, it's Bianca. I'm just checking that you're OK?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine," I lied.

"Good. Um, I have someone that wants to speak to you. I-It's N.."
My hands were vigorously shaking, and once again my heartbeat quickened.
"He can come in." I spat the words out before my tongue could hold them back.

"Wait," I heard Bianca's voice become hushed. "Don't make her cry anymore, she's been through enough."
All conversation came to a stop before the boy I'd been lost without walked into the room. His head was hanging low; he was hurting.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't come home sooner. I'm sorry I even left in the first place. I don't deserve to be around someone like you, you're too good for me-"

"OK, first things first, only I decide who's good enough to be around me, and you are. You aren't the boy I first men in Accumula Town, N, you've changed, you've grown. You changed into the boy I fell in love with. I'm not angry at you for leaving; I know why you left, but that doesn't mean that you had to. You didn't need to run away from your problems, I'd have been by your side every step of the way. You broke my heart by leaving."

"I know, I know, and I'm so sorry," the boy came forward, taking my small hands gently in his. "I was angry at myself for being as naive as I was. I knew how important it was to you to stop Team Plasma, but I carried on being their King anyway. I was foolish, I've always been foolish. But I've never been more foolish than the day I left you."

"The things Zekrom shared with me, I'm not angry about. It just hurt to hear them. But I guess, in a good way. I was just overwhelmed by my emotions. It's been an incredibly long and strange day."

"It probably doesn't help that you're tired. I'm sure your heads all over the place."

"It's my heart that's all over the place," I mumbled before I could stop myself. In an instant I realized he was still holding my hands, his expression pained and fixed on my face. He didn't say anything for a few short moments.

"Hilda, just so you know, I'm never leaving again."

"You can go anywhere you like, N, so long as you take me with you."
The boy holding my hands pulled me closer towards him, leaving our faces inches apart. My breath left my mouth in short and ragged bursts, my heart beating erratically.
But all he did was pull me further into an embrace. His warm body collided with mine, at first bringing a cold sensation that was soon replaced by a soothing heat. 

"I'm not going to go anywhere you aren't, or far enough away that we can't find one another, I promise."

"I'm so glad you've come home." I whispered quietly into his chest.

"Me too, I just wish it had been sooner."

"C'mon, let's go out and celebrate, this is Bianca's special night."


What the?"
N and I separated from our hug and his hand found mine again as we left the room, but we didn't find the people we'd expected to see.


"Well, well, well, what a pleasant surprise this is. The honored guests of the party have finally arrived."

In different parts of the room were my closest friends and family, each of them restrained or cornered. I stepped forward, but N had his hand clamped tightly around my wrist, preventing me from going any further.

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