7. Unlikely Alliances

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My head felt like a Monday morning. There was a thumping circus, marching its way through my eardrums, across my eyes and over my head. What the hell happened?
"Is everyone OK? "

Is that, my mum?

"My head.."
A cool, sticky liquid painted my hand as I reached up to soothe the searing pain echoing across my skull, which I soon recognized to be blood.
"Oh, Hilbert, my poor baby. Are you alright?" My mother raced over towards me, her face blended with a mixture of emotions.
"My head is in agony, and I'm bleeding. What happened? Did I drink too much champagne again?"
She stifled a laugh, implying the severity of the situation was more than I seemed to remember.
"No, darling. The party was, let's say, intruded...by Team Plasma."
"What? But Hilda broke them up. They were all arrested, weren't they?"
"So we all thought, but they appear to have reformed. Wait, where is Hilda? Where is my little girl?!"

More voices began to speak up with questions, worry in their faces and anxiety in their throats.
"Where did they go?"
"Isn't this that guy's fault?"
My attention shifted to where fingers where pointing and heads were facing.
"You," I spat. Adrenaline began to ease its way into my bloodstream, the pounding in my head seeming to numb itself against the beating sensation of a newfound rage from within me. "This all comes back to you, you know that?"

The boy's brow was furrowed, his face dirty with marks from the chaos that had attacked merely 10 minutes before.
"Isn't it all so convenient, that we have two years of peace and prosperity, with the region rebuilding and Hilda finally getting over you leaving after everything you and that stupid Team Plasma of yours put us through. And then all of a sudden you come back, out of nowhere, at the same time Team Plasma miraculously 'reform'? I can't be the only person who's put two and two together and suspects that you've got something to do with this? Maybe you didn't leave out of guilt two years ago, maybe that was your backup plan if she did defeat you one last time and Ghetsis too. You made it seem like you felt guilty and you 'saw the light' and fled to correct your wrongdoings. Well I say that's bullshit. You still are the King of Team Plasma and you've come back to finish what you started, but we're not gonna let you do that. And there's no way in hell I'm letting you drag my sister down again."

"Hilbert, I-"
"I don't have time to listen to your pitiful lies and excuses, I'm going to save my sister. And I'm going to take down Team Plasma once and for all."
"OK, I get it, you don't want to hear me out, but please, let me come with you. You may not believe it, but I really do want to help, and I may be your best bet here in saving Hilda."
"In what way am I going to need your help? And how do I know you won't just stab me in the back the second you get the chance?"
"You don't, but what choice do you have?"

"Hilbert, I think he's right. Where would we be if no one gave people second chances?"
How does my mum always find a way to make me feel bad?
"Fine, but you make one wrong move, and I'll knock you on your ass, got it?"
 "Crystal clear, Jones."
 "OK, so any idea where they may have taken her?"
"I believe this is where Reshiram comes in."
"How will Reshiram help when she's been taken along with Hilda?"
N began straightening out his clothes, and fixed up the hat he wore on his head, chuckling, yet I was the least bit amused.
"I don't see what's funny here."
This is gonna be a huge waste of my time.
"Your sister never fails to amaze me, once again, she's already a step ahead of the game."
"What are you talking about?" My patience was rapidly thinning.
"She's left us a map," I watched in confusion as the trainer beside me bent down and picked up a Pokeball, before a bright light escaped from within, bringing the large, white legendary Pokemon with it.

"I knew she wouldn't leave willingly without making sure there were some bread crumbs for us to follow. Now, Reshiram, you know what to do."N stepped forward towards my sister's Pokemon, placing his hand in her glittery white fur, giving her an easing smile. The Pokemon lowered her head majestically to meet his gaze, and that's when I finally saw the connection he has with them. I couldn't hear, nor understand what it was they were communicating to one another, but I could see it, feel it.
Is this what draws my sister to him? This magical bond he shares with Pokemon?
"OK, good work Reshiram, let's go to her. I'll ride with you, it'll be the quickest and easiest way for us to reach them. Hilbert, you can ride on Zekrom's back, if you'd like?"

Wait, WHAT?!

"R-Really?" A lump of excitement had risen in my throat, but I swallowed it quickly down before I gave anyone the idea that I was actually happy to be around this guy right now.
"Yeah, of course. He'll be the only Pokemon that will be able to keep up with Reshiram and I, so you'll need him. Right, let's not waste any more time. You ready to go?"
The green haired trainer turned to me with determined eyes, and I felt a fire burn deep within me.
"Yeah, let's go save my sister."

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