4. Old and New Faces

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A soft breeze fluttered its wings against my face as Zekrom carried me through the clouds. His fur was as soft as Reshiram's, the only difference was it being black. I closed my eyes, this is it, I'm finally going to see him again.

Knowing Zekrom would know, I began to ask the questions that had been gnawing at me all of this time. "Where were you staying? You and N? I searched the whole region, even Sinnoh, looking for him."

"Really? Well we weren't in Sinnoh, but Johto." I felt a rush of annoyance, I should've widened my search, and perhaps then I could've been with him long before this. "He met these trainers, Ethan and Lyra, who were on a journey of their own. He told me how the girl reminded him of you, in the ways that she was headstrong and filled with all of this courage, but she wasn't you. None of them would ever be like you, he'd told me. "She's different," he said, "she cares about people and Pokémon in a way I've never seen in anyone else before. I'll never forget her.""
Hearing the words from Zekrom sent a wave of both happiness and sadness over me. Knowing N said that about me felt magical, and truly meant a lot.
"I feel the same about him, I've never met anyone like him, who can talk to Pokémon and cares genuinely about their wellbeing. And I don't think I ever will."

"He'll be shocked to hear about your newfound ability, it'll make him very happy. I'd like that, I haven't seen him smile in..so long." His voice sounded pained, which hurt me too. I rubbed his fur gently to comfort him.

"Things are going to be OK now, they'll be different. How long until we get there?" I took a look down along the side of his body, but all I could see were thick clouds, laced with a thick white cushion, a sharp contrast against the darkening sky.

"We are almost there, he's waiting for us in Driftveil City, in a sort of safe house. There are ex-members of Team Plasma that have been living there since the incident happened 2 years ago, and my lord N wanted to show his appreciation to the things they have done."
I nodded my head in understanding. I came upon that house myself, and was touched by their encouragement to look after the Pokémon they had stolen under the command of Ghetsis, to make up for what they had done. Each of us knew they had done bad things, but showing me that they were willing to turn things around changed the opinion I had of them. I'm certain N would also be touched.
"OK, we're ready to land now. Hold on tight."
I gripped on tight to his fur, and felt myself laughing as he swooped down closer to Earth, my tummy doing flips like it would on a roller coaster. The wind breathed on my face heavily, cool and hard. The familiar city soon came into view; I could see the Gym and the Pokémon Centre, Driftveil Market, and the Cold Storage. But then there was the Plasma safe house, and all over again my stomach was doing loops. He's in there. You're so close to him now.

With a steady land on the ground, I jumped down off of Zekrom's back, running my fingers through his fur once again.
"He's waiting for you, I'll stay here. Go on ahead, the house is just over ther-" his voice trailed off, and with a frown my gaze landed on what had thrown him. There were a bunch of people stood outside and around the house in black clothes, and curiosity carried me towards them.

"Um, excuse me, can I get through please?" I called out, my voice timid. A group of faces turned towards me upon my call. They were each men, and I noticed large 'P's embroidered onto their tops. My breath hitched. They reminded me of the Plasma grunts from 2 years ago, but they weren't them. They couldn't be, I disbanded them, and besides, these uniforms are different. They must be other people. But what are they doing here?

"It's you?!" One of them called out, and took a step backwards.
"Excuse me?" I said again, but this time in confusion.
"H-Hilda, isn't it?"
"Yes, that's me. Who're you? And what're you doing out here?"
"Uh, well. We came to see if the rumours were true, about the Plasma Lord N having returned. W-we didn't expect to see you too, the trainer who d-disbanded Team Plasma two years ago." The man gulped, he seemed incredibly nervous, which concerned me.
"I've come to see him too. And I'd like to go inside, so please, let me through." I began to make my way forward, but the men moved into a formation that blocked me from moving anywhere. "What're you doing? Let me pass." I spun in my place, they were behind me too.
"I'm sorry, but we can't let you inside. The Lord N isn't here presently, and we are to stay here until he returns."

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