Chapter 2

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Authors Note: Just letting you know that I will follow the plot of Twilight but I will change certain events like classes, when Harry will meet people and stuff like that. But the love story will be the same.


The next morning I'm abruptly awoken by Des calling me down to breakfast. It takes me a few minutes to remember where I am but as soon as I do an overwhelming feeling of regret passes over me… It’s my first day of school.

I drag myself out of bed and quickly throw on some clothes. I make my way downstairs to see Des has laid out toast and some cereal. Seriously what has he eaten without mom?

“Good luck in school today kiddo!” Des greets me. “I remember what it was like for me the first days! Walking in those school doors for the first time!”

I zone out knowing that this could be a long speech but Des brings my attention back by clapping his hand on my shoulder.

“I have a surprise you might like!” he beams at me. “Come on! It’s just in the drive way!”

I have no idea what to expect. Des wasn’t always the best at giving presents. I remember when he sent me a gift card to Home Depot. I was six at the time.

To my surprise I found an old Chevrolet pickup truck waiting for me in the driveway.

“I thought you would like your own car to drive to school.” Des says waiting for my reaction.

“This is great Des.” I breath out.

“Really?” Des says still uncertain on whether I would like it or not. “I know it’s not too flashy and a little run down but it runs well and it’s sturdy.”

“No this is perfect!” I say hugging him. “Thank you so much!”

For the first time here I feel excitement rush through me. Maybe this town won’t be as bad as I thought it would be.

“You better get ready for school.” Des says interrupting me admiring the car. “You don’t want to be late for your first day.”

I rush inside and grab my bag. I quickly say goodbye to Des before running outside and jumping in my new car… My New Car. I like the sound of that.

As I drive to school I can’t help but think of what my friends in Holmes Chapel would say when they saw me in my car. They’d probably be really jealous.

I pull up to the school I can’t help but notice how intimidated I am. It’s not the fact that the school is big, because it isn’t, it’s the fact that I'm new and everyone will be staring at me. I don’t like unnecessary attention. In fact I try to be invisible but in a small town like this that will be next to impossible.

I hear the first bell go off and with a large sigh I get out of my car and walk towards the main office. The secretary there looks up as I approach the main desk.

“Hello sweetheart! What can I do for you?” She says obviously picking up on the fact that I'm nervous.

“I'm Harry Styles. I'm new here.”

“Ah yes! You must be Chief Styles’ boy! We’ve all heard so much about you!” Great. Just what I need. My dad to be blabbing on about me to everyone here. “Well here is your schedule. You have English first with Mr. Port, Oh he’s such a nice fellow! Then…”

I stopped listening half way through bored and waiting her signal to leave.

“There! Now that that’s all sorted do you need help finding your first class?”

“No thank you.” I reply wanting to get to the class quickly. I’ve learned that the later you are the more attention you draw to yourself.

“Alrighty then! Good luck and have a great first day!”

“Like that will happen.” I mumble under my breath as I walk away.

I find my first class easily. Thankfully Mr. Port does not make me stand in front of the class and introduce myself. I'm put next to a girl named Eleanor who seems rather nice though I notice her glancing at me all the way through English. I'm glad when the bell rings indicating that I now have History with Mrs. Grahams.

As I'm walking to History someone comes up and starts talking to me.

“Hey! You must be new here! I'm Tom!” He’s incredibly energetic for this time of day.

“Hello. I'm Harry.” I respond hoping he’ll be satisfied and leave. Of course he’s not.

“Oh you’re Chief Styles’ son aren’t you!” I nod. “Would you mind if I interview you for the school newspaper? We rarely get anyone new around here and I think you could make front page!” I try to protest but Tom doesn’t notice. “I can see the headlines now! New Kid Makes His Mark! Too cheesy? Your right! How about Styles Shows Forks A New Style!”

Thankfully its right then that someone interrupts Tom.

“Tom you're not bothering this fine young man are you? Hello. I'm Perrie.” She says before Tom can protest. “You must join us for lunch!” And with that she’s gone.

I duck into my history class before Tom can start up his excessive rambling again.  

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