Chapter 8

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When I got to the hospital I was rolled to a shared room with Tyler who had apparently made it his life goal to apologize as much as possible to me.

“I'm so sorry Harry!” Tyler began again. “I don’t know what happened! One minute I was fine and the next the car was skidding! I could have killed you! I'm so sorry! I don’t know what happened! I'm so sorry!”

“It’s fine Tyler!” I said interrupting him. “You look awful! Are you alright?” I tried to direct the conversation on him hoping he would let the whole thing drop.

“I could have killed you!” he said again… Guess my attempt didn’t work at all. “How did you get out of the way so fast?” he asked.

“Louis Cullen pulled me out of the way.”

“Who?” he asked.

“Louis Cullen.” I replied. “He was standing right next to me.”

“Louis… I didn’t see him next to you…” Then Tyler turned back to his worrying self. “Is he alright?”

“I think so.” I replied. “He didn’t have to use a stretcher.” I said begrudgingly.

I knew I wasn’t crazy! I knew Louis wasn’t near me! But if he wasn’t near me how did he get there so fast? How could I explain what I’d seen?

Many tests later I was finally returned to the room with Tyler. Feeling exhausted I closed my eyes hoping to get a little sleep though I've never really liked hospitals so I doubt I would be able to.

“Is he sleeping?” A musical voice interrupted my thoughts. My eyes snapped open to see Louis standing at the foot of my bed.

“Hey Louis, I'm really sorry about -” Tyler began again but Louis interrupted him.

“No harm no foul.” He said smiling which surprisingly did shut Tyler up. “So.” He said turning to me. “What’s the verdict?”

“There is nothing wrong with me but they still won’t let me go. How come you aren’t strapped to a stretcher like the rest of us?”

“I know people...” Louis said cryptically. “But I'm here to get you out.”

Just then a doctor walked into the room. My jaw dropped. He was young and brunette and absolutely gorgeous! He was pale though and had circles under his eyes. From Des’ descriptions this must be Louis’ dad Simon.

“So Mr. Styles.” Dr. Cullen says in an appealing voice. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine.” I say hoping this will get me out of here.

“Your x-rays looked good but Louis said you hit your head pretty hard.”

“It’s fine.” I say shooting a scowl towards Louis who has an amused smirk on his face. Now I feel like slapping it off.

Dr. Cullen starts to probe my head looking for damage. I wince slightly.

“Tender?” He asks. Damn these Cullen’s and their inability to let anything go unnoticed.

“Not really.” I say putting on my fakest and sweetest smile. Maybe I can charm my way out of the hospital.

I hear a chuckle and look over to see Louis’ patronizing smile. My eyes narrow.

“Your father is in the waiting room.” Dr. Cullen says interrupting my glaring at Louis. “You can go home with him now but please come back if you feel dizzy or you have trouble with your eye sight.”

Not bloody likely I think. “Can’t I go back to school?” I ask wanting to show everyone that I'm okay.

“I think you should take it easy today.”

I look towards Louis. “Does he get to go back to school?” venom dripping in my words which only seem to amuse Louis more.

“Someone has to spread the news that you are alright.” Louis says smiling, victory covering his face.

“Actually…” Dr. Cullen says interrupting Louis’ and my small battle, which he was not winning. “Most of the school seems to be in the waiting room.”

I groan and cover my face. This could not get any more embarrassing. Now I don’t want to leave this room ever, oh but I do… I really do…

With that Dr. Cullen leaves to check up on Tyler and I turn towards Louis.

“Can I talk to you for a moment?” I hiss. He looks at me his jaw clenched.

“Your father is waiting for you.” I notice he is putting distance between me and himself.

“I would like to speak with you alone.” I say again trying to be as subtle as possible. I want my answers and I want them now.

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