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She staring at me
I'm sitting here wondering what she's thinking
Nobody's talking
Cause talking just turns into screaming
And now it's I'm yelling over her
She yelling over me
All that means
Is neither of us is listening
And what's even worse
Is we don't even remember why we're fighting
And both of us are mad for nothing
Yelling for nothing
Crying for nothing
And we won't let it go for nothing
No, oh nothing
This should be nothing
To a love like what we got
Cause baby I know
Sometimes it's gonna rain
But baby can we make up now
Cause I can't sleep through the pain
And I don't wanna go to bed
Mad at you
And I don't want you to go to bed
Mad at me
: Mad by Neyo

                 Kyren P.O.V.

            "I'm sorry about what I said. You didn't deserve to be lied to your whole life. Nobody deserves that. My dad did the same thing to our family. I shouldn't have said that," Lyric apologized. 

             It was still fresh in my even weeks after the disaster dinner. I don't think all of us will ever be in the same room together again unless the boys attend the same school. Even then, I don't think Lyric's brothers would bother. I did create this mess. I messed up.

            I'm currently in laying in bed beside Lyric watching the game. Well more like the game is watching me. I'm just staring at the tv. She rubbed my back and stroked my face. Man this is hard. I felt a lump in my throat. Man I don't wanna cry. Lyric continued stroking my face and tears began to slip down my cheeks.

          Lyric kissed my forehead and I wrapped my arms around her waist. "You can talk to me Kyren. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I am here," she whispered holding my head close to her chest.

            "I don't even know who I am? What if July 4th isn't my real birthday? What if I'm naming my baby after somebody I don't even know? What if I don't even love you? Its like everything in my damn life is fake. Nothing is fucking real!" I snapped out of frustration.

             She wrapped her arms around me repeatedly kissing my face. I swear love this damn woman. "Kyren your love is real." She kissed my lips guiding my hand to her stomach. KJ kicked my hand causing a small smile to form on my lips.

         "Baby how did even you find out?" Lyric asked suddenly. I thought back to the day I saw that woman in Kroger.


          I walked into Kroger and headed straight for the Ice Cream aisle. I opened the door reaching for some french vanilla ice cream. "Can you pass me a cart also?" A lady asked. I grabbed three carts and handed her one of them. But this lady looked kind of familiar.

             "Thank you," she smiled. I nodded and began to walk off. "Wait!" She called. I turned and looked at her. "May I ask your name?" I gave her a funny look. She smiled.

           "Its King," I responded.

          "Is your first name Kyren?" She asked. I stared at her for a moment then I slightly nodded and she dropped the ice cream. "Your father is Jordan King right?" She asked.

           "If that's what you call it," I shrugged. "Are you the police or something?"

          "Jordannnn!" She exclaimed. I gave this bitch a crazy look. I turned and began to walk off, but I bumped dead into Jordan.

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