41.) Rocky

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(Another request for @Jungkookie10V! Hope you like this imagine ^^ the picture above is just something Rocky would do when your depressed or stressed ;) the picture is not mine! I just screenshot it from an ASTRO imagine I have ^^)

(Your POV.)

You know the saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? Well, it's true. You know why? My soon to be husband, Rocky, shows it. Am I happy? No. His actions towards me are cold and vicious like a snake.

Basically, he hates me. Rocky and I were in an arranged marriage because of our parents companies and da, da, da, da. You already know the plot. He and I haven't had our wedding yet, but I can tell that Rocky is against the idea.

Being a good daughter I am, I just had to agree with it for my parent's sake. I loved Rocky with all my heart, but apparently he didn't love me back. He always have me the cold shoulder. I was making dinner for Rocky so when he gets home he can eat.

I set the food on the table and hear the from door open and close. I see Rocky walk down the hall. "Rocky, I made some dinner if you want some," I said. He didn't reply but just stared at me coldly.

He then went to go upstairs. I sighed. I walked out into the balcony in the guest room. Or, more like my room. I would mostly sleep in here almost everyday. Why? Because Rocky would kick me out of the room.

So, I slept here almost everyday. I walked onto the balcony and felt the wind blow onto my face. "Why does he hate me so much?" I questioned myself. "Is there something wrong with me? Am I not beautiful like other girls?" I questioned again.

While I was feeling insecure, I finally made a decision. I brought out my back pack and stuffed most of my clothes in there. I grabbed my phone and it's charger while I also grabbed a pencil and piece of paper.

I sat down on my desk and began to write a letter. "Sincerely, (Y/N)," I said. I folded the piece of paper and put it on the desk. I grabbed my sweater and walked out of the house. I then walked off to, who knows where. But I know, it has to be far away from Rocky.

(Rocky POV.)

It has been about an hour or so and it was quiet. Not just regular quiet, but more like silent quiet. I walked out of the room and found the guest room's door open. "That's strange, the door is usually always closed," I said to myself.

I walked inside the room and see that most of (Y/N)'s stuff are gone. I looked inside her drawers and find that the majority of her clothes were missing. I raised a brow and started to panic. I rummaged through the room and found that most of her stuff were gone.

I walked over to her desk and found a folded piece of paper that said, "To Rocky." I opened the note as it read,

Dear Park Minhyuk,

      Hi, it's (Y/N). By now, your probably reading this letter and I'm probably far away from you. Well, I think that's what you wanted in the first place. Sad life for me, isn't it? I hope you'll do well and find yourself a better girlfriend or better wife.

I know this was hard for you; not being able to pick the one you want to marry. And I know it's had to marry someone you don't love. But, even though you don't love me, I love you. I always have. But, I know that you would never love me back.

But that's okay. I'm going back to my parents so call off the engagement. I'm going to be living with them too. So you don't have to worry about marrying me anymore. I know how much you don't want this just by the way you look at me. So, this is goodbye. Forever.


I furrow my eyebrows. "But her parents live in America," I said. Then, it finally hit me. "She's going back to America?!" I exclaimed. I quickly grabbed my jacket and rushed out the door. I hailed a taxi and asked the driver to send me to the airport.

"You can't leave, (Y/N). You can't," I thought.

I finally arrived at the airport and rushed inside. I looked everywhere for (Y/N) when I heard that the flight to America will leave in 20 minutes. I panicked and rushed to look for (Y/N).

"Attention: please aboard the plane to America. I repeat, please aboard the plane to America," the speaker announced. I started to panic even more. I rushed to the gate and saw (Y/N) about to enter.

I ran to her and yelled, "(Y/N)!" She turned around surprised. "Minhyuk?" She asked. I hugged her. "(Y/N)," I whispered. I felt her flinch. I wiped away my tears.

"Minhyuk, what are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked. I pulled from the hug and said, "Stopping you from getting on that plane." Her eyebrows furrow together. "Minhyuk, you can't stop me from going to America. I have to get on that plane," she said.

(Y/N) walked towards the gate but I blocked her path. "Minhyuk," she sighed, "move." I didn't move and stood in her way. She tried to move to the right, but I blocked her again. She moved to the left, I blocked her.

She sighed. "Minhyuk, I don't have time to play games with you-" she said but I cut her off.

"I'm not playing games. I don't want you to leave," I said.

She furrowed her eyebrows together again. "What are you talking about? Isn't that what you want? For me to leave? I can see it just by your look at me!" She said.

I looked at her, sadly. "(Y/N), look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings-" I said but this time, she cut me off.

"You didn't mean to? You already did!" She said. "You didn't even consider my own feelings! Do you know how much I suffered and loved you-!" She yelled but I cut her off by a...

A kiss. I kissed her. I kissed her with all my emotions jumbled together. She hesitated before kissing me back. "I love you, (Y/N)," I said as I pulled away.

What's your answer? Answer in the comments!


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