46.) Eunwoo

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(This is a request for @Jungkookie10V! Hope you like this imagine!)

(Your POV.)

"Let's break up."

Those were the two words that made my heart break. The two words that I never knew would come out of Eunwoo's mouth.

"Why?" Was all I could ask.

"Because if the company finds out that you and I are dating, then they'll kick me out of the group," he replied, with no emotion at all.

I didn't fight back. I didn't want to say anything anyways. I knew this was bound to happen in the first place.

"I see. So your work comes first. Not me," I said to him. He just looked at me with sad eyes.

"Fine then. We're over," I said before walking out of his apartment. He may have broken my heart into pieces, but every single piece still loved him. (I know, that was really cheesy 😂)

It has been about a year since Eunwoo and I broke up and I still love him. But, hopefully I'll move on. When Eunwoo and I were together, he had gotten me into music since he was a trainee at the time. He probably debuted already and I debuted with my group.

Yeah, I'm in a girl group. After Eunwoo and I broke up, I auditioned and became a trainee at the same entertainment at him. But I didn't really see him at all. Which I found good since I didn't want to see him anyway.

The group I was in was called STARdom. (I made up the name since ASTRO is based on space and stars and such, I just thought of STARdom. 😁) There was about six of us, just like ASTRO, Eunwoo's group.

Today, my Unnie, Saya, and I are supposed to aired at guests for a variety show. We were currently on our way there when Saya asked me, "(Y/N)?" I turned and looked at her. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Don't you and Eunwoo have some type of relationship together?" She asked. Of course, she new Eunwoo. They were pretty good friends I have to say, but I never told the members that Eunwoo and I knew each other of even dated each other.

I shrugged. "I don't know," I replied. Saya looked at me for second before looking else where. After a couple minutes of riding in the car, we finally arrived at the building. Saya and I entered the building and headed off to the shoot.

The MC greeted us while we both greeted back. I felt someone staring me down with a weird gaze. I looked around and my eyes widen. I never thought I would he him agin after a year.

It's was Eunwoo. I turn around and go take a seat where I was instructed to sit. Saya sat next to me. "Why is Eunwoo starring at you like that?" She whispered to me. I shrugged. "How am I supposed to know?" I asked.

Just then, someone entered the shoot. "Is that Up10tion's Wooshin?" Saya asked me. I nod in response. Apparently, he had to sit besides me and Eunwoo sat across from us. Then, the show began.

The MC let us introduce ourselves. Just then, Wooshin's hand brushed against mine. He looked at me and smiled. "Sorry," he said. "No, it's okay," I replied. The MC looked at us and asked, "Yah, Wooshin and (Y/N), what are you two whispering about?"

And right now, there would probably laughing effects. Wooshin and I laughed awkwardly. "No, my hand just hit her's and I wanted to apologize," Wooshin replied. All the MC's did an "Oouu~" sound. "Oh, our Wooshin is such a gentleman!" The MC said.

We all laughed before continuing out segment. "Okay! Now, we will now do the pocky game! Whichever couple bites the stick the lowest, wins!" The MC said. Saya and Eunwoo were together while Wooshin and I were together.

"Okay, Eunwoo and Saya will go first!" The MC said. The couple nodded at each other before biting onto each end of the pocky stick and Eunwoo biting towards Saya. Honestly, it's hurt to see Eunwoo doing something so intimate with one of the members.

After all, I still like him. Eunwoo bites the piece and let's the little piece of pocky fall on to his hands. He gives the piece of pocky to the MC's as they measure it. "6 centimeters!" The MC's say. "Let's see if (Y/N) and Wooshin can do better," the MC says.

I stick one end of the pocky stick into my mouth and Wooshin looks at me, asking me if it was okay with his eyes. I nod my head, telling him it was okay. He nods back before holding my shoulders and biting on to the other end of the stick.

He began to inch closer towards me and I felt his breath against mind. He then bit off the little piece of pocky and it lands on to his hands. He hands the MC the little piece of pocky and they measure it.

"Woah! 2 centimeters!" The MC's say. "The winners are (Y/N) and Wooshin!" The MC's say. We all clap and carry own with the show. After about an hour, the show finally ends and I was pulled into a closet by someone. "Yah!" I said.

The male turned around and I froze. "Eunwoo?" I asked. He pushes me against the wall and traps me in between him and the wall. "Yah! What are you doing-" I said but was cut off by Eunwoo kissing me.

My eye widen. He pulls away. "I miss you, (Y/N). I didn't mean to break your heart-- or to break you at all. I knew how much it hurt you-- and it hurt me too. I love you so much," he says.

He then embraces me in his arms. "Please, take me back?"

Will you take him back??


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