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    He didn't want to go out on such a night, but (Y/n) had stormed out of the hotel room an hour ago and still wasn't back. After checking the other hotel room they had gotten for the girl, Killua decided that he better go out and look for her. He didn't want to feel worried, but it was cold outside, not to mention the fact that it was starting to drizzle. A downpour of rain would soon follow.
Exiting the lobby of the hotel, Killua started stalking about the streets of the foreign city. He had never really had a reason to come to York New until their search for Greed Island so the white-haired boy didn't know his way around all that well.
After wandering aimlessly for an hour or so, the slow drizzled trickling from the sky turned into sheets of icy rain pouring onto the cement. Killua ran back through the city, keeping a look out for a certain (h/c)-haired girl with dazzling (e/c) eyes. He hustled into the hotel's entrance and padded over to the elevator. After stepping into the contraption Killua quickly pressed the button for the third floor, making it turn red.
He staggered into her hotel room, grief knawing at his stomach. He didn't find her. She was out, alone, in the dreadful rain.  Killua wandered into the bathroom and grabbed a towel to dry off his now silvery looking locks. As he ruffled his hair with the soft, white towel he heard a soft, shaky knock at the door. Hoping that it was (Y/n) he scurried to the door, the towel flying off his head. He yanked the door open to see the girl he was looking for moments ago, drenched to the bone and shivering. He pulled her inside and wrapped his arms around her trembling form, using his foot to close the door. She just stood there as he embraced her, a little shocked by the ex-assassin's sudden show of affection.
Killua let go of her, and she stumbled into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She grabbed one of the many hotel towels placed on the rack and started to dry off her soaked (h/c) hair. She then pulled off her shirt and wrung it out, using another towel to dry off the damp material. She pulled the (color) fabric back over her head and stepped out of the room.
"To bad I forgot my stuff on thay stupid blimp." (Y/n) commented as she trudged into the room. Killua was casually sitting down on the bed, staring at the girl who just emerged out of the room. She sighed as she plopped down on the bed next to the boy.
"Ya know," Killua started, "I have extra clothes you could were while those dry. Although they might be a little big..."
"That sounds better than these,"(Y/n) gestured towards her sopping clothes. "I think I would like to take you up on thay offer."
Killua hopped off the bed and scrambled over to his room as soon as the (h/c)nette said those words. To startled to move, she sat on the bed until the hyper boy came back. He scurried through the door and handed (Y/n) the clothing. She thanked him before heading back through the bathroom door.
Killua waited on the bed patiently while she changed. He was curious about how she would look wearing his clothes, and he wondered how they would fit. He couldn't help but chuckle when she walked out in his pale purple shirt and shorts that were slightly big on her small frame. It looked as if she had rolled up the waistband so the shorts would fit better, and the shirt sagged over one of her shoulders.
"Your clothes smell like chocolate." (Y/n) bluntly stated, which sent the white haired boy into a full blown fit of laughter.

Sorry that I took so long to update again guys! The school year is almost over, so hopefully I'll publish more One-shots over the summer for you to enjoy. As always, thank you for reading, voting, and complimenting!

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