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AN: So this is kind of an AU in which Mulder, Scully and William are finally reunited and live as a happy family in a big house somewhere.
(Don't we all wish it were true ;-;)

She lay on top of him on the couch. Their arms and legs were tangled together, he was stroking her hair. The only sounds they heard were their heavy breaths, the occasional chirp of a bird, and the laughs of children playing outside. It was peaceful. They had never been so happy. Scully looked up at his face and smiled a beautiful smile. He smiled back and planted a kiss on her forehead. She returned her head to its original position on his chest, turning to her side so that she could stare out the window; but something else caught her eye. It was a thin piece of paper, lying on the glass coffee table in the middle of the room. She reached out her hand to pick it up, turning it around so that she could look at the picture printed on its surface. It was a photograph of William. She let out a small sigh, making Mulder crane his neck to see what she was looking at.

"God, Mulder. What have we done to deserve this perfect little boy?"
"Nothing. But he's ours anyways."
"We've been through so much."
"I know."
"But we're okay now."

She turned around to look up at him again.

"I love you."
"I know."
"You're supposed to say 'I love you too', silly."

He smiled at her, sticking out his tongue playfully.

"I love you too, silly."

This made Scully laugh. They were about to kiss again when they heard a little boy's voice cry out to them:


Scully looked out the window again, raising her eyebrows at Mulder. She slowly stood up, patting down her skirt and pulling her collar up from where it had fallen off of her shoulder. She pouted slightly, shrugging.

"Well, that's my cue."

She started walking away, trailing her hand up Mulder's chest, when he suddenly grabbed it, pulling her back down. Scully let out a small yelp and fell back down on top of Mulder. He smirked and kissed her. When they broke the kiss, they stared into each other's eyes for a long time, until William's voice snapped them back to reality again.


Scully rolled her eyes slightly and stood up again. But this time, before leaving, she planted one last kiss on the tip of Mulder's nose.

"And I'll see you, later."

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