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AN: Okay, okay. I'll try to stop writing fics about food.

She mixed the batter as he dumped in the ingredients one by one. All they could hear was the chirping of birds outside and the occasional swoosh of Scully's wooden spoon. It was peaceful, but she was getting a little bored. Her arms were tired from all the stirring and the heat coming from the oven was excruciating. She looked up at him, hoping that they could take a break, but his brow was furrowed in the way it always is when he's concentrated and she didn't know how to interrupt him. So, she just sighed and went back to work.

Suddenly, her arm moved of its own accord, lifting her hand up and wiping the spoon onto Mulder's nose. He looked up, just as startled as she was. They stared at each other for a moment, then she let out a giggle. There was a blob of dough on the very tip of his nose, a chocolate chip dangling off the edge. Scully was now crying tears of laughter, but Mulder wasn't as amused. "Aw, now I have to go wash my face."

He started walking towards the bathroom, but Scully grabbed his hand and turned him around. "No you don't."

She leaned into him and closed her lips around his nose, eating off the batter. When she was done, she leaned out to look at him and smiled. He smiled back at her, but snatched the spoon out of her hand violently, shaking it at her as if he was scolding a child. "Don't eat that. It's raw you idiot!"

Scully smirked devilishly, dipping her finger into the bowl and scooping out some more batter. "What? You mean this?"

She stuck the paste into her mouth and ate it off, looking at Mulder innocently. It was hard for him not to laugh. He almost wanted to kiss her, but instead, he darted for the bowl and flicked some dough at Scully with the spoon. The sticky beige stuff splashed right across her face and she gaped at Mulder. "Oh, you're going to pay for that!"

She grabbed a handful of the batter and smeared it right across his left eye. She hadn't meant to get so much on him, especially not in his eye, but it was funny as hell. She stepped back to admire her work of art, laughing hysterically as he wiped himself clean. Once he could open his eye again, he glared at Scully with such an intensity that she stopped laughing. She was almost scared, but then he smiled at her again. She raised her eyebrows, watching him slowly put down the bowl and spoon. He looked back up and started slowly walking towards her, but darted forward at the last minute. She let out a squeal and turned around, but didn't get very far with her short legs, and soon his arms were around her.


She giggled, trying to squirm free from his grasp, but he was too strong. He lifted her up into the air, turning her around to face him. She laughed, placing her hands on his shoulders and looking down at him. The sunlight streaming through the window caught on his brown hair, and she couldn't resist running her fingers through it. Her hands went from his hair to the back of his neck, and he brought her back down to the floor. They gazed into each others eyes for a second, then their lips collided violently, sending them sprawling backwards onto the counter. His kisses trailed down to her neck and she threw her head back, screaming in delight. Then, there was a crash. They barely noticed, but someone else did...


William was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, a perplexed look on his face. "What was that?"

Mulder and Scully looked at each other, then at William, saying in unison: "We just dropped something. Everything's fine!"

William's eyebrows were raised, but he just shrugged and walked away. Once he was gone, Scully slowly stood up, patting down her dress. She looked over at Mulder, who had already recommenced sucking at the skin on her neck and playfully slapped him on the cheek. "Come on Mulder, help me clean this up."

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