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AN: I haven't published any new chapters for so long.... sorry guys! Enjoy this one!
He hadn't seen her in so long. It took his eyes a moment to adjust, to remember the curves and edges of her face, the softness of her lips.

He'd tried so hard to forget how beautiful she was. He needed to forget how much he loved her. But he just couldn't.

And now, seeing her again was bringing all the memories back. All the times they shared together, all the cases left unsolved. The warm morning kisses. The pain, the sorrow; the love.

When they returned to that old basement, it felt as if nothing had changed. As if they were back in 1993, arguing about whether aliens existed or not.

She was saying something, but he didn't listen.

The next days they spent together were strange and beautiful. Every time he looked at her he felt agonizing pain. She'd catch him staring and look away.

This wasn't how they were supposed to end up.

"This isn't how we're supposed to end up." He told her, caressing the back of her head.

"I know."

They laid together entangled in the dirty sheets on a dirty motel bed. It was all so familiar.

Her tears left wet blotches on his shoulder, her soft sobs ringing loudly in his ears.

This is bull shit. He thought. We were supposed to end up together.
We were supposed to be happy.
AN: I dedicate this to a certain person named Chris Carter. (They were supposed to be happy you asshole)

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