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"What if there was only one choice, and all the other ones were wrong?"

Shortly after saying that, she fell asleep on his couch. It took him a while to realize, and when he did, he wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. He had the urge to wake her up, but she was too adorable. He couldn't even bring himself to move for the longest time. Instead he just stared into her deep blue eyes, mesmerized.

Suddenly, she groaned, her head lolling onto her left shoulder. She looks so uncomfortable, he thought.

So he stood up, dragging the blanket onto the floor. He looked at her again before scooping her up in his arms, being careful not to wake her. Scully stirred ever so slightly as he pressed her curled up body against his chest, soft murmurs escaping from her lips. I wonder what she's dreaming about...

Mulder carried her to his bedroom with ease; she was light as a feather. He placed her down gently on his bed, almost afraid that he might break her. She was like a porcelain doll, motionless, beautiful and delicate. His gaze passed over her one last time, and he walked to the door, flicking off the light.


He turned back around at the sound of her moan. "Yeah?"

"Can you... stay?"

Mulder raised his eyebrows, but then nodded and lay down beside her. She smiled, snuggling into his body. They fit like pieces of a puzzle, her head nestled in the crook of his neck, his hands cupping the curves of her back. It was like they were made for each other.

"You know, there's one choice that I'm sure of."
"What's that?"
"Spending the past seven years with you."

He looked down at her in a mixture of awe and shock. She shook her head against his skin.

"I mean, I know for sure that I won't regret it. I couldn't regret it. No matter how much we've sacrificed, we'll always be together in the end. And I know that that's the right choice for sure."
"I love you."

She was making him feel very sentimental, and he just sort of blurted it out. When she didn't answer him, he got a little scared, but then she looked up at him.

"I love you too. Forever and always."
"Forever and always."

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and when Scully touched her lips to his, they locked perfectly, just like the pieces of a puzzle. Soon, she was on top of him, planting kisses all over his face. It was messy and awkward, but oh; so beautiful. She broke the kiss for a moment to throw her shirt onto the floor. The rest of their clothes followed suite, and soon there was nothing between them.

Oh, if only they had known how delicate their love was.
If only they had known how little it takes to break delicate things.

AN: I'm sorry if you were expecting smut... I can't write smut for shit so... yeah. If you really want me to though, just let me know and I'll try (you have been warned)

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