
513 32 10

WARNING: major feels ahead

"Just let him go!"

Mulder was being held hostage. Scully was pointing a gun at his assailant, who in turn had a knife pressed against Mulder's throat.

"Come on, no one has to get hurt. If you let him go now, you can go too."

But the man just shook his head. Tears were streaming down his face. This was really bad. How they had gotten into this situation, it was unclear. They had been on this guy's tail all night, and he had suddenly taken them by surprise. They were trapped. No back up, nowhere to run. Blood dripped from Mulder's neck, and Scully snapped.

"Let him go dammit!"

Then, in the split second that the man reached to open his jacket, Mulder darted behind Scully, drawing his gun. But they failed nonetheless.

"I've got a bomb!"

Their hearts dropped, their eyes widening in terror.

"Put your guns on the floor! Now!"

They slowly placed down their weapons, and Mulder attempted to negotiate.

"What do you want?"
"I don't know!"
"You must want something."
"Shut up!"

The man ripped off their jackets and fumbled through their pants pockets. He took Mulder's tie and attached his hands with them, doing the same to Scully with his own tie. The agents didn't know what to do besides consent. And as he threw them into a supply closet, they caught each other's look of panic. They weren't getting out of this. On the other side of the door, they could hear him screaming obscenity's.

"I think we should try and negotiate."
"What? No!"
"He just seems scared. Maybe if we throw him a lifeline-"
"Mulder! This man is a psychopath. All we need to do is wait, and hope to God that someone finds us."

They heard loud banging on the door, then a beep.

"Listen up! I've just attached the bomb to the door. If you try to force it open, you'll be blown sky-high. Just hope that your little friends at the FBI find you in time, or it's bye-bye agents Scully and Mulder."

Scully's eyes widened, and Mulder let out a small gasp.

"But, even if they do find you, I won't be here waiting!! No, I'll be long gone by then! And they're never, ever, going to find me."

There was a long pause, and all they could hear was each other's breaths of panic; until his voice broke the silence once more.

"I'll see you both in hell!"

Then there was the banging of footsteps, and they were engulfed in silence again. Scully wriggled her wrists free of the tie, and undid Mulder's as well. They couldn't see a thing, so it made them both jump when a whimper escaped from Mulder's lips.

"We're going to die, aren't we?"
"I don't know."

Now, tears were flowing from both of their eyes. They had never been in this kind of situation before. They barely even knew anything about their situation. They were, quite literally, being kept in the dark.

"I don't want to die yet."
"Me neither."

Scully groped around the small closet and found Mulder's hand, gripping it as tight as she could.

"Maybe he was bluffing."
"I don't think so."
"Maybe he told them where we are."
"Maybe they'll burst through that door any minute."

They both looked at the sliver of light coming through the bottom of the door, as if they actually expected someone would come save them. But no one did. Mulder slumped lower into the floor, sighing.

"They aren't coming, are they?"

He could feel Scully's tears wetting his collar bone, and she could almost see the light reflect off of the wet lines on his face. They were shattered, broken. It was too much.

"If we are really going to die, I need to tell you something first."
"When I was first assigned to work with you, it was just to debunk your work-"
"I know."
"Let me finish. It was just to debunk your work, but over time, I came to respect your work. I came to respect you. And all this time that I've been working with you, I always saw you as a hero. You were always my hero, Mulder."

She was getting so choked up that she needed to stop. She let out a sob and set her head down on Mulder's chest.

"Mulder, you were always there for me, you always respected me. Even though I didn't always agree with you, you always respected that. Thank you, Mulder. Thank you so much."
"Scully. It's you that I should thank. Before I met you, I was lost. I can't even remember what it was like to work on the X-Files without you there with me. Yes, you were... stubborn, sometimes. But that's what I love about you. You never let me convince you of something you didn't believe in. It was a little frustrating, but it was all worth it."
"Strangely, I feel so happy right now. Even though I know that any minute, that bomb is going to go off, I'm happy that I'll die with you."
"We'll die, but our love won't. It'll live on through the ages, and I'll find you again. I'll find you over and over."
"I promise."
"So, I guess I'll see you soon?"

She looked up into his eyes, even though she couldn't quite see, and he kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, see you soon."

And there was an explosion. It engulfed everything in its path, ending all life it encountered. But for Mulder and Scully, it wasn't the end. Only a new beginning.

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