After Effect

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After the explosion I ended up in a coma for a month. When I woke up I found myself in a hospital bed surrounded by machines but not by the family members I loved. I woke up at the same time a nurse was walking in to my room. When she saw me there Wide Awake she ran back out to get the doctor, and 10 minutes later, or what felt like 10 minutes, they both came running into my room. The doctor and nurse came rushing towards me to see if I was really awake.

They asked me if I knew where I was, if I knew my name, and if I remembered what happened.
I tried answering their questions as best I could.

I told them my name was Dawn , how I was in the hospital and how there was a crash. After answering their questions to the best of my abilities I finally asked them the burning question that was nagging me the moment I opened my eyes. Where was my family?

They were hesitant for a minute before finally saying they were sorry, but both my parents and siblings died upon impact of the explosion.

I sat there in my bed for a few minutes and then I started to cry.
I never really cried before. I never had a reason to. But when the doctors told me my family was dead, how I was all alone. I don't know why but I know deep down it was true. Nobody on Earth could survive that let alone my family. The doctors couldn't believe I actually lived through that myself and to be honest neither could I. All I could think of at that moment was how I should be dead too.

They told me i didn't have to talk about it in tell i was ready. But the cops didn't see it that way and insisted I tell them exactly what happened.

After two weeks of therapy and psychoanalysis they said I could go home. But that left the question, where was home?

I couldn't go back to my house here in Florida. With the fact that my parents and siblings died, I was all alone now. I didn't see a point in going back there unless it was to get my stuff and even then I'd have somebody else do it. It's just too painful.

Two days later after the doctor said I could go home my grandmother came rushing into my room at the hospital and crushed me into a hug. And just like that the tears started to escape again.

We kept crying and crying and crying for what felt like hours. Finally after we both calmed down she told me once I was cleared to go I would start living with her and her sister my great-aunt. When she said that it felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The thought of not being alone anymore made me so happy. Soon after she left a nurse came in and went to check my pulse.

The moment she touched me I saw images Flash through my mind. The images were played off like a mini film of her life.

One mini-film was of her still working at this Hospital a few months later and meeting a patient who was just checking out. Her and that patient hit it off, and they end up very happy together, it looked as if her world finally had meaning. And then they were at the alter getting married. She's looked so happy, but as they're saying their vows something happens to him. I can't put it into words but soon he's rushed to the hospital. She learns how when she first met him he was just getting over cancer. The doctors tell her he's not going to make it and she's crushed. She rushes over to him and even though she knows he's going to die she still loves him. They finished their wedding that night in the hospital and for the next month even though he's suffering they both seem happy. Finally he dies. So sickened with grief, she dies of a broken heart.

The other mini film show a different timeline, she finally leaves the hospital here in Florida and goes to help in Africa. She starts truly making a change not just for herself but also for the people there. She becomes a famous doctor 3 years later. Finally she comes back to the States and as she's on the plane, slowly making its way towards home, it crashes in a brutal fiery inferno. There are no survivors. She dies not peacefully but burning and screaming in the most vicious way imaginable.

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