You Again.....

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The outfit for the day

When I got home I grabbed my bags and went straight to my room. I throw them to the side and took off my jacket and shoes. I walked down stairs and head towards the kitchen. After maxing my gift card I didn't feel like watching a movie or eating any junk food from the mall. It pretty much got ruined after I saw those visions.

As I walk in the kitchen I quickly grab a Pop Tart and place it in the toaster. As I wait I take notice of my surroundings. No one seems to be here. I yell for my grandmother she should be home I saw her this morning. With that on my mind I abandon my Pop-Tart and go looking for her.

I looked through all the rooms and still can't find her. It wasn't until I reach the door that I never went in even as a child, because it was always locked that I start to hear voices. I twist the handle and surprisingly the door opens for once. I entered the room and head down long winding stairs.

As I walk down the voices become clearer and clearer and I realize it's my grandmother and great-aunt. When the voices become totally clear I stop moving I don't want them to know I'm here. And what happens next truly shocking.

(Grandmother -great aunt)

"How could you do this how could you not tell me. you're my sister you should know no matter what you have to tell me that was the deal we made!!" She is practically screaming.

"I didn't tell you for a reason. I knew if I did just like last time you try and stop it. But it cannot be stopped. I seen the future when I touched her that last time I know it's going to happen there's only two outcomes. No matter what we do we just have to hope she chooses the right path..... in fact why don't we just tell her what's going to happen huh maybe if we do she can prepare herself if she go down the wrong path?"

"You know we can't do that we tried to do that with my daughter and look what happened we had to erase her memory. Because of that her whole entire future changed but not for the better it became worse!"

"Yes but sooner or later she's going to find out in fact she probably already started seeing the visions. We knew the moment she was born she would have these gifts we knew the moment she was born she was going to have to go down a path whether or not it's the path that we hope for ot the path we fear she's going down, and if she doesn't know how to protect herself from what's going to come who knows what's going to happen to her she could meet a fate worse than death we all could.. we have to tell her." She says almost at a whisper.

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