Raven and her lost past

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"Tell me." I said.

"Tell you what?" the man responded.

"The story of raven."

The man's eyes grew wide as he heard that name, Raven, again and then smiled and nodded. "My, have I got a story for you. Well, it all started with-"

{a few months ago}

~Raven's POV~

Here I stood in my old house. It feels so long ago, when my mom sent me to Earth to hide from my father. I was taken care of by my mom's human friends, they treated me like their own child. But my father, Trigon found me and I almost became the cause of the end of the world. Luckily, Robin found me in the depths of hell as my younger self and because of him, I was able to save the world from my father's destruction.

Now, I'm standing here, in the place where I grew up. My human parents were murdered by an unknown person and as for my fake sister, she was kidnapped. I don't know if she's alive but it doesn't matter now, it's been years since I saw her. Then I became part of the Teen Titans, they became my new family and I will protect them. I will not let anything happen to them.

Especially Robin, after he saved me from my dad, I felt like our bond is stronger. I get this feeling in my stomach every time he talks to me or even gives me a smile. I don't know what it is. Could it be what humans call...Love? No, it can't be. I can't feel anything, I have to stay emotionless and if I do love Robin, then I'll just have to hide my true feelings.

After taking one last look around the house that was now abandoned, I flew back to the Titans Tower.

"Hey, Raven." Robin said as I entered the tower quietly. I didn't even glance at him as I continued to float towards my room.

I sighed as I threw myself onto my bed. 

Why can't I feel like everyone else? Why can't I be normal? It's because my powers are powerful, one sign of emotion I might destroy the world. But why me? Why did I have to be cursed with a powerful demon father? I thought to myself as I began to slowly drift into slumber.

~Robin's POV~

She doesn't like me. She doesn't even look at me or even give me a friendly smile. I thought to myself as I watched Raven float away towards her bedroom. 

I sighed, frustrated as I thought about the purple haired half-demon. If she doesn't love me the way I love her, then I have to think of a way to get her to fall in love with me. I don't want to love anyone else but her, she is my dream, my perfect beauty. 

I slowly got up from the couch that I was sitting on and walked towards Cyborg, who was in the process of stuffing his face with food. 

"Cyborg, can I talk to you?" I asked the half-robot.

"Yeah, sure man, what's up?" He replied with a food filled mouth. 

I gestured towards the door, asking him to follow me to somewhere more private. He nodded and swallowed his food as he got up and began to follow me to my room. Once we got ther, he sat down on my bed and looked at me, telling me to tell him what's on my mind. 

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as i started to speak, "Well, I need advice. You see, there's this girl-"

"Who? Starfire?" he interrupted as a huge grin appeared on his face.

"No, it's someone else. But she doesn't like me back. What do I do? How do I show her that I love her? I-I mean like her..." I continued hoping he wouldn't interrupt.

"Who's the girl?" he asked curiously.

"Well...uh...it's Raven." I said shyly.

"Well, Raven isn't much of a person to show feelings, you know her situation with her powers. But if you really do like her as much as you're telling me, I say to do what your heart tells you."

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