Chapter 6

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~Third persons POV~

It was Friday night, also the night of the two birds' date. Raven was getting ready for it in her room, while robin is freaking out on what to where.

"What am I gonna where? Should I look casual or keep on my uniform?" Robin asked himself. "I'll just where something casual." He decided.

He threw on a red t-shirt and denim blue jeans. He looked himself in the mirror and decided it'll do. He gelled up his hair in his usual spiky position and was ready to go. The only problem is if they can get out to the roof unnoticed by the titans. They haven't told the titans about them yet, it's only natural they'll find out sooner or later. He looked at himself one last time in the mirror and went out to get the food for the picnic.

It's only 8pm, so cyborg and beast boy are playing their video games while screaming at each other who'll win and starfire is sitting on the couch cheering them on. Starfire's too nice so she doesn't choose a side and instead cheers both of them on. Ravens not here so robin's guessing she's in her room getting ready. Robin walked in the kitchen and got everything he needed. All he needed to do now was set it up on the roof and wait for raven to come.

Robin was about to walk out of the main room and up to the roof when BB said " hey robin! Where ya going with that basket?" Robin froze and tried to look for an excuse.

"Uh.... This? Oh it's nothing. I'm just going to be in my room for awhile so I won't be eating dinner, I thought that I could just bring the food with me." Robin said hoping they bought his lie.

"Oh! Friend robin do you know where friend raven is? I would like to do the meditating with her." Starfire asked. Again robin tried to think of something.

"She's...... In her room, I don't think she wants to be bothered star. So maybe another time?"

"Oh ok. Thank you friend robin." Robin nodded in return and turned around to go to the roof.

{With raven}

Raven was ready, she had some dark blue shorts that end just above her knees and a plain black short sleeved t-shirt. She thought it would be best just to leave her cloak. She knew robin was probably at the roof already waiting and the other titans are in the main room playing video games while star cheers them on. So it's going to be easy just to walk out and go to the roof. After all they'll probably be doing that till dinner begins, and they know that whenever raven doesn't come out for dinner to not bother her at all. Jason was probably in the guest room just hanging around or lying on the bed completely bored. So, yeah it'll be east to get out. She walked to the door and it slid open with a little hissing sound. She turned to the way to th' roof, when Jason came out of the guest room.

"Hey Rae! How you doing?" He asked when he saw her. She didn't care if Jason called her 'rae' he was her brother after all. Only beast boy and star aren't aloud to being the annoying ones of course. Cyborg was like a big brother and robin, well they have a bond and are dating now.

"I'm good how about you? You settling okay?" Raven asked in her usual emotionless monotone. Her brother just nodded and left to go see the others. Raven let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. Then started to the roof again, she could use her powers and teleport there, but she didn't want to waste her energy. Zach can come any minute and she wanted her full strength.

When she got to the roof she was thankful no one else saw her. She opened the door and saw robin sitting on a blanket with food and a candle, already lit up. He was looking at the full moon as its reflection showed in the ocean. It was always a breath taking sight to raven, probably the most beautiful she ever seen.

"Beautiful view isn't it?" She asked robin, while walking to the blanket. Robin was startled for a moment then looked at raven.

"Yeah, it's one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen." He replied after she sat down next to him.

"One of them? What's the others? I never seen anything more beautiful than a full moon and its reflection on the still sparkling blue ocean." Raven said whil turning her from the moon to ribin. He returned the gaze and smiled.

"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen is sitting right next to me. And it's finally mine." He said caressing her cheek. She smiled then put her hand on robin's, she couldn't be any happier.

'Nothing can ruin this moment.' She thought.

But she spoke too soon. Because hiding in the shadows, in the corner of the roof, stood a figure watching and waiting for the right moment to strike. He watched in disgust as they sat there staring at each others eyes, or in ravens case mask. Zach always hated love, never felt it and always believed that doesn't last forever. Being a big brother he also cared a lot for his sibling, never wanting their heart to break. You can say he was a protective brother but has a weird way of showing it.

Deciding it was time to end the 'perfect moment' he stepped out of the shadows. He threw a pocket knife at robins shoulder, which hit him perfectly on the shoulder.

Robin winced at the pain and quickly threw his hand where the hit him as an instinct.

Raven saw the knife and took it out, only for robin to wince louder. Once it was out she put down and looked around, only to find a figure in the corner of the roof. He was wearing a dark purple tight shirt that had an 'R' in the top left corner of his shirt. He wore black jeans with black converse sneakers, he had violet hair and amethyst eyes like her a nd Jason's. by he look of it,she can tell it was zach. He also and an emotionless face. If you didn't know raven, you'd think he was her twin, but no he was her older brother here to come get her Jason.

Once robin felt the pain go away, he looked up at raven to see her looking at something in the corner of the roof. He followed her gaze and saw zach. He wasn't gonna let him get get raven, he can't lose her, not again. He stood up getting into a fighting stance and raven quickly snapped her head towards robin. She stood up also ready to use her magic. She knew they needed help, so she got out her communicator.

"Raven to cyborg can you hear me?" She said into the communicator while robin and zach started to fight.

Yeah Rae what's up? Cyborg answered right away.

"Zach is here, on the roof, fighting robin. Come here right away and hurry!" she said.

Okay on our way! stay put!

"Okay." was the last thing she said before turning her communicator off.

Just five seconds later the titans and Jason burst through the roof door ready to fight.

Once they saw what was in front of them their jaws all dropped to the floor. They couldn't believe their eyes.


Hey finally updated all because of kikiallsop therfore this is dedicated to her. Thanks for the idea!

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