All To Myself BoyxBoy

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I'll be honest, these first few chapters are going to be kinda boring, but just hold through and they'll get better. Vote, comment, LOVE ME! :)

*Xander's POV*

"God this music sucks" I mumbled to myself.

Sitting with some unknown mixed drink in one hand, and a cigarette in the other, I stared across the room to the only reason I even came here.

Standing at 6'1 with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen, was Eric.

His body depicted something other than that of a 17 year old, with his skin tight shirt showing off muscles a grown man would be jealous of.

His slightly baggy jeans pulled just tight enough to show off the curves of his ass did nothing for me, compared to his smile, or laugh.

Fuck I wanted him. But who didn't? He was the lust of every girl, and envy of every guy at our entire school.

But as usual, he's straight.

Big supprise there, right?

"Ya know, you could at least pay attention to someone when they're talking to you."

Not wanting to look away from the face that ruled my dreams every night, I reluctantly turned my head to yet another familiar face.

"Sorry June, I didn't hear you come up." I stated dumbly, before turning my eyes back to Eric

"Xander, why don't you just go talk to him? He's a good guy."

Her voice was every bit as honest as the words were true. He was perfect.

And that's the exact reason I've never been able to approach him.

Slidding to the floor next to me, June wrapped an arm around me, and pulled me close.

"Smile." she said, pulling out her camera.

She loved taking pictures. Of anything, or anyone. I remember the first one we took together. She had caught me off guard, pulling me close to her as she snapped the now biggest picture on her wall.

Smiling at the thought, I moved my head up next to her's, and waited for the flash.

After a brief set of blindness, I rubbed my eyes, then looked over to see her laughing.

Confused, I asked to see the photo, but only managed to make her laugh harder.

"Did they slip crack in your drink?" I mumbled, while reaching over for the camera.

Looking through all the photos in her memory, I can't help but smile at all the ones of her and her boyfriend, Jake.

Jake was the only one, aside from June, who treated me like a human at our school. He always looked out for me, and for that, I was more than greatful.

When I finally got to the final picture in the camera, a mixture of shock and confusion flooded my mind, as I saw three people in the picture, instead of two.

"Does this thing have photoshop?" I asked aloud.

Looking at the image again, I sat there bewildered, wondering how in the world she got Eric in the picture with us.

"Do they make camera's with that feature?"

Not expecting that voice, I somehow managed to jump, scream, and spill my drink all over both me and Eric, who by some twisted set of events, was sitting right next to me.

All To Myself BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now