She Rings My Bell

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A/N: Once again...dark themes! Enjoy!


"Y'sure she killed someone?" 

Harry glanced over at the older boy; the both of them outside by the side of the apartment building while Zayn had his morning smoke. Harry finally brought up what Jesy told him last night to Zayn, and he didn't look too pleased. Perrie was the last thing on his mind though, especially since Zayn informed him that Simon got busted and they were going to receive a new landlord. If the new guy or girl came into their apartment in attempt to "fix" everything that Simon wronged then they were going to be in for a rude awakening. Between Zayn's 'graffiti wall of death', Louis' 'weapon of choice drawers', Perrie's 'torture corner', and Harry's 'bones in the closet...literally', they were looking at life in prison.

"Jesy walked in after she done it." He replied, buttoning up his trenchcoat more as the wind blew, "She said she destroyed the store to make it look like some freak gas leak...but you never know. Plus with Perrie doin' murders out of our comfort zone...she's getting messy." Zayn nodded as he took another drag of his cigarette. Harry could tell he was thinking hard of a way to get Perrie to control herself, though there really wasn't telling her what to do. She hated that and if you did then she'd act out more - like a spoiled little brat. But Harry knew if anyone could give Perrie a good talking to then it would be Zayn.

"I'll talk to her." Zayn sighed, "How'd it go with Leigh last night?" He peered over to Harry to find him smiling a little. "Aw, mate, don't tell me ya shagged her!" He asked with a look of disappointment. The last thing he needed was Harry sleeping with Leigh Anne and making her want to be in a relationship more. It was suppose to be one date then a friendly goodbye but Zayn knew Harry wouldn't do it, he was too infatuated with her.

"No!" Harry replied, almost offended he'd think that. "We had to get your drunk ex in bed..." Zayn's brow quirked at the mention of Jade, "Then Leigh tried to get me in bed. I didn't let her though because she was wasted off her ass. But it was fun watching her try."

Zayn gave him a curious glance before shrugging, "Yeah well at least people can't say you're not a gentleman. You may be a murderer, but when it comes to the ladies you're so respectful. Yer mum would be so proud." Harry chuckled at his dry humor. "I wonder how Jade got that gun last night. D'you think Niall or Louis left it there from last time? Because I could've sworn I told those idiots to get rid of all evidence."

Harry thought about the last time they were at the port and had to toss a body in the water. Niall and Louis shot the guy in the back of the head and Louis said he was going to get rid of the evidence, but since Jade seemed to easily find it then maybe he didn't. Louis was never the one to clean up after himself. Niall and Harry were ok with covering their tracks but Zayn was the best at knowing about all that 'cleaning' stuff.

"A lot of people go out there. Maybe it was someone else's gun. Scorpions were there to send warning...maybe it was theirs."

Zayn didn't look too happy about the mention of the Scorpions. He was still pissed about them messing up his art and was still waiting till they all got what they deserved. It's been a year that they've been trying to pull this off. After Gina's death, they took all the money that they received from Harry's dad's death and moved to the heart of where it all happened. Right down the street to where Gina use to work and where her body was found brutally murdered by some Scorpions who thought they'd have fun one night. Only problem is they killed the wrong woman. Zayn knew Harry had it aching in his bones to just snap again and that gave him a huge reason to do what he felt was right. 

Harry was deep in thought too until he felt something warm and furry rub up against his leg. He glared down at the ground -thinking it may be a rat at first - to find a little dirty dog with curly brown hair. The animal looked up at him with big brown eyes and whimpered, probably hungry and cold. "Well hello there." He leaned down to pet the dog on the back causing it to snuggle up against him. "Where did you come from, boy?"

Teenage Dirtbag (Harry Styles/Leigh Anne Pinnock, One Direction/Little Mix)Where stories live. Discover now