And She Doesn't Give A Damn About Me

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A/N: I call this my Little Mix chapter because it's with all the girls! Some dark themes in this chapter because of Perrie.


It wasn't till two in the morning when Harry and Leigh Anne finally made it back to the apartments. Finishing off that champagne bottle and getting a little too comfortable on the couch, they didn't want to leave. It wasn't till Leigh Anne remembered she had to work in the morning did they finally decide to get up and walk the cold and quiet streets back home. Other than a couple of drunken people, they didn't run into any trouble which Harry was happy about. Things were going to start getting messy really soon so he was saving up his energy for the big game.

Leigh Anne turned to look at Harry once they stood outside her apartment, a smile on her lips as she looked up bashfully at his smug grin. "I had a great time, Harry. Thank you for showing me your sanctuary. I promise not to tweet about it." She laughed when he made a face, "But seriously it was nice being out with you. You are mad...but a good mad."

"I'm glad that you don't think I'm some serial killer." He chuckled at the craziness of that statement. "We definitely have to do this again." His eyelids got low as he stared down at her, his smirk getting naughty. "Then maybe next we could spend more time -" 

"No!" A shout from inside Leigh's apartment interrupted their moment causing the couple to stare at the door in confusion.

"Jade?" Leigh Anne asked as she placed her hand on the door handle, the door opening because it wasn't closed properly. That had Leigh worried. Why would Jade be up at two in the morning with the door left ajar? What was going on? Once again her heart started to beat fast as her mind went back to the night at the bar. "Jade?"

She pushed the door open more and made her way into the dark apartment with Harry close behind her. She could spot the kitchen light on and there was some red liquid dripping from behind the counter as it began to soak the carpet in the livingroom. Leigh Anne felt her mouth dry and her heart drop as her mind went to horrible conclusions. 

"Jade?!" She shouted before trying to rush over to the kitchen only to have Harry grab her by the arm and stop her. When she looked over her shoulder at him she saw his face serious as he frowned, lifting a finger up to his lips to quiet her. If there was someone in the apartment he didn't want them rushing in like maniacs. That got you shot.

"You are making a proper mess. I'm not even trying to be funny." A voice said from the kitchen causing Harry to sigh as Leigh Anne began walking forward again. Once they both turned to look in the kitchen they spotted Zayn sitting on a stool while Jade muttered some curses under her breath as she looked in the pantry for a mop. Zayn looked over to the couple as a corner of his lips quirked up, "'Ello. Back so early?"

Leigh Anne let out a sigh of relief before placing her head in her hands. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She exclaimed as Zayn chuckled. "What are ya doing here anyways?" She looked over to Jade who pulled out a mop and frowned at her friend.

"He forced himself into our apartment and made me talk to him. Then he insulted my cooking skills so we decided he's gonna teach me how to cook spaghetti." Her eyes looked over to the mess they made all over the floor. "I was stirring the pot but Mr. Gordon Ramsey over here was being an anal dirtbag." Zayn glared at Jade, a little insulted but happy to be compared to Gordon Ramsey. He really looked up to that guy.

"Yep, sounds like Zayn." Harry said as he leaned against the kitchen doorway. "So ya told her it was Louis finally?"

"What was Louis?" Leigh Anne asked in confusion.

"Louis had a bunch o' girls in my bed when Jade and I were together...hence us breaking up." Leigh Anne said "oh" and nodded, understanding. "Everything is cool now, yeah?" Zayn asked when looking over to Jade who began cleaning up their mess. When she gave him a quick nod he smiled, "Looks like we're goin' to be the best of neighbors now." He looked over at Harry who was staring back at him with a solemn expression. Yep, things were about to get more interesting now.

Teenage Dirtbag (Harry Styles/Leigh Anne Pinnock, One Direction/Little Mix)Where stories live. Discover now